Back Row, L to R:
Brian Hutchinson,
Robert Vaudry,
Bill Thomas,
Walter Kowbassa,
Alan Kirby,
Bill Jacko,
Donald Yule,
Lawrence McWaters,
Trent Baker,
Bill Hrushowy,
Murray Stevens,
Dennis Michiel,
Dimitri Kowbassa.
Middle Row, L to R:
Ralph Aceti (Principal/Teacher),
Larry Prest,
Walter Yakimchuk,
Jaan Aaviku,
Selena Patterson,
Sylvia Gusmanis,
Susan Gillis,
Sharlene Weiss,
Gordon Innis,
Dennis Lafrance
Paul Davies,
Ronald Acton,
Terry Doherty.
Front Row, L to R:
Kathryn Cook,
Jean Curtis,
Linda Skorey,
Debbie McWaters,
Dianne Poulin,
Valerie Turnbull,
Corina Bugiel,
Zammea Hums,
Gabriella Spadetto.
Many thanks to
for the use of this photograph
and to
for the student names.