vtownhistory.org : LOCAL HISTORY

Virginiatown, Ontario :
Looking for J. Piwowarczyk, 1949-50.

I received the following email from Daria Valkenburg, which speaks for itself . . .

" . . . . I was sent some letters by a friend in the USA, written in Ukrainian between 1949-1950, by a J. Piwowarczyk in Virginiatown. My friend found the letters amongst his mother's effects after she died, but as they were in Ukrainian he couldn't read them, and asked me to.

" The letters are from a man, so possibly a Joseph Piwowarczyk, and he must have come to Virginiatown after WW II as a refugee. He writes that he has a steady job, so I assume he might have worked in the mine.

" In your genealogy research, have you come across this name? Or have any idea what happened to him?

" The return address on the letters is: J. Piwowarczyk, Virginiatown, Box 341, Ontario Canada.

" If you can shed any light on this mystery, please would you let me know? "


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