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Items about Virginiatown & Kearns in Historic Newspapers.

New Mines

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Kerr-Addison Gold Mines — Ont. incorp. April 9, 1936. H.O. Toronto. Author. capit. $5,000,000, par $1.

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—The National Post, May 30, 1936. Pg. 23. (via newspapers.com).

Kerr Addison Mines Plans Big Campaign in Larder Lake Area

Official announcement is made that Kerr Addison Gold Mines will undertake a large scale development campaign at its property in the Larder Lake district. It is proposed to drive four tunnels, 400 feet apart, through the ore-body disclosed in earlier work on the ground. A sampling plant complete with crusher and rolls is being erected which will be capable of handling 50 to 60 tons of ore daily. From the information received from the proposed new development campaign, engineers of the company will have the required data on which to base future operations and decide on the type and size of mill that may be erected on the property.

In earlier operations two shafts, 600 feet apart, were put down, the Dr. Reddick to 86 feet and the Kerr Addison to a depth of 300 feet. [L]ateral development has been carried out on these levels together with some diamond drilling, although to date no serious attempt has been made to thoroughly sample the deposit.

—The Ottawa Citizen, July 16, 1936. Pg. 9. (via newspapers.com).

Mine Jottings Here and There

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An enlarged program of work has been started by Kerr Addison according to reports. A hoist is being installed at the Dr. Reddick claims and resampling of the underground workings is proceeding.

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—The Ottawa Citizen, January 23, 1937. Pg. 10. (via newspapers.com).

New Imperial Bank Branch

Imperial Bank of Canada announces the opening of a branch of the bank at Larder Lake, Ontario, under the management of W.A. McTavish. Larder Lake is about seventeen miles east of Kirkland Lake on the railroad connecting with Noranda. The developments in this district suggest that Larder Lake will become an important mining camp. The better known properties in this district include Omega and Kerr Addison.

—The Montreal Gazette, January 29, 1937. Pg. 19. (via newspapers.com).

Mining News

Kerr Addison – This issue has turned soft, the opinion on the street being that all the good news is out. Some of the more daring even suggested the issue as a short. There is a possibility of bumping to a dynamite charge shorting this one. The group behind it has undoubtedly done extremely well in the market. The stock has ranged up to $4 during the past week. A 100-share lot sold at $4.50 would net $34.50 and this sum would pay for 3,000 shares at the initial issue price, so that those back of the issue must by this time have a good deal to come and go on. Besides all the news is not out. There are indications that the ore body proven is not the only one in this big limestone zone and any good news of the opening up of a second body or lense would provide fireworks. One drill has suggested that such a development to the north of the present body is a possibility.

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—The Regina Leader-Post, February 6, 1937. Pg. 2. (via newspapers.com).

Mine Jottings Here and There

The latest drill hole at Kerr Addison showed a width of 45 feet of ore grading $12.70 a ton, according to a wire received by F. O'Hearn and Co. An additional 20 feet of core assayed $70.50, it is stated, the two sections being separated by a 35-foot gap. The drill entered the ore zone at a depth of 230 feet.

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—The Ottawa Citizen, February 13, 1937. Pg. 9. (via newspapers.com).

News of The Mine Camps

Armistice Gold

Armistice Gold Mines has been incorporated to acquire and develop a group of 15 claims located adjacent to Kerr Addison on the west in McGarry Township, Larder Lake area. Diamond drilling has been carried out in previous years under the former management and core logs are now being examined, preparatory to commencement of an extensive campaign of diamond drilling, which is now under consideration by company officials. It is planned to drill a number of holes along the strike of the break from Kerr Addison to locate the possible extension of the orebody now undergoing development on the Kerr Addison ground.

The company is capitalized at 5,­000,­000 shares, of which 2,­000,­000 shares were issued to vendors for the property. A total of 700,­000 shares have been sold to net the company between $51,­000 and $52,­000 for the proposed campaign of exploration. Officers and directors include Salter Hayden, president; E.D. Levinson, vice-president; C.T. Young, Douglas Wright, directors, and L.I Hall, secretary-treasurer.

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—The Windsor Star, February 17, 1937. Pg. 18. (via newspapers.com).

Along Canada's Mining Highway


The Larder Lake section in Ontario (just west of the boundary) has recently furnished continuous mine news. Kerr Addison, Martin Bird and Upper Canada Mines have recently supplied news of major importance. A short review of the operating properties and properties is as follows:—

KERR ADDISON – Diamond drilling has indicated large tonnages of medium grade ores. Reports indicate an initial 500 ton mill installation. It is reported by the Northern Miner that the Company has $600,­000 in its treasury. The Anglo-Huronian Company is known to have a substantial holding in the Company, with Mining Corporation, Nipissing and other mining interests said to have minor participations. The properties are located at the north end of the east arm of Larder Lake.

MARTIN BIRD is obtaining important ore values over big widths on the second level, with drifting proceeding on the first and third levels. The Company is well financed, with approximately $400,­000 on hand. The Company's properties are located at the south end of the east arm of Larder Lake.

OMEGA MINES, located on the north shore of Larder Lake, is milling low-grade ores on a 500 ton daily basis. The liability of the Company to the Castle Tretheway Company exceeds half a million dollars. Large tonnages and indications of higher-grade ores inspire optimism on the outlook.

UPPER CANADA MINES, located some miles to the west, has encountered good values over most important widths in recent diamond drilling. The Company is reliably reported to have close to $200,­000 in the treasury. The 500 foot level should be reached by March 1st.

ORIOLE MINES, adjoining Upper Canada, is to be given an underground test in view of diamond drilling results, reported to be favorable and consistent.

PELANGIO LARDER LAKE have already started surface work on their 600-acre holdings half a mile to the northeast of Kerr Addison. Donald Lough, associated since the beginning with Martin Bird activities, is President-elect of the Company.

BARBER LARDER MINES, located about one mile to the west of the Kerr Addison plans active operations to begin shortly. R.S. Potter is the President of this Company.

ARMISTICE MINES is another incorporation covering acreage to the west of Kerr Addison. WESLEY GOLD has holdings to the southeast of Kerr Addison. Many other incorporations are under formation.


—The Chilliwack Progress, February 24, 1937. Pg. 6. (via newspapers.com).

Capital Rouyn Takes New Group

Start Mining Development of Holdings Adjoining Kerr Addison

Montreal, Feb. 23 – It was officially announced today that Capital Rouyn Gold Mines Limited has acquired six claims in the Larder Lake district and has optioned two other blocks of claims nearby. Development of the property adjoining Kerr-Addison will be started immediately. Tenders have been called for drilling.

—The Ottawa Journal, February 24, 1937. Pg. 16. (via newspapers.com).

Larder Lake Field Now Staked Solid

Omega, Kerr-Addison and Martin Bird Lead Activity in Latest Boom Camp – Properties Reviewed

From Our Own Correspondent

Kirkland Lake. – Larder Lake area, located about one-third way between well-established mining towns of Kirkland Lake and Noranda, being approximately 17 miles east of Kirkland Lake, has become the scene of Canada's latest mining "boom." Recent developments at Kerr-Addison, in McGarry Township, and Martin Bird, in Hearst Township, have given all earmarks of potential producers for these two properties, while extensive underground operations at Omega, Larder Lake's already successful operation, indicates that in the very near future the mill will be handling much larger tonnage than approximate 425 tons daily now being treated.

Staked Solid

All ground lying within miles of Larder area has been staked solidly, and deals are being closed nightly for groups of claims on which new companies will be formed, and which will later receive some prospecting attention. Among new companies recently formed is Lardego Gold Mine, holding group of claims adjoining Omega Mine on east. Camps have been erected here, and diamond drilling got under way last week-end.

Adjoining Omega Mine on west is Fernland Mine, with a group of some 30 claims. Diamond drilling was also started here on Monday. Further west Armistice Mine has been formed on a block of ground adjoining Kerr-Addison. Preparations are proceeding for surface exploration and diamond drilling. New interest has been aroused in Chesterville Mine organized in 1911, but which after some development, has been idle for a number of years. With two claims apparently on line of Kerr-Addison's strike to east, and a half claim jutting well into Kerr-Addison's property, operations are now being resumed and a diamond drill hole was started last week about 50 ft. from Kerr's boundary, and about 150 ft. from Reddick shaft. This hole was finished last week-end and is reported to have cut favorable rock, but assays were not available at property. Adjoining Chesterville, and also southeastern boundary of Kerr-Addison, is block of 31 claims recently formed in Wesley Gold Mine. Diamond drilling was started here about two weeks ago, but due to heavy overburden, difficulty in reaching bedrock was encountered. A heavier drill has now been put to work, and some core is expected to be pulled this week.

Town Expanding

However, greatest activity is shown at Raven River Gold Mine, formerly Harris Maxwell property, wholly owned by Proprietary Mine. The large block of claims owned by this company immediately adjoins Omega Mine.

Under former operations, extensive underground development was completed, including sinking of shaft to 500 ft. and considerable drifting on levels at 400 and 500 ft. Little work was carried out on top levels due to proximity of Larder Lake.

Mine Pumped Dry

The mine has been pumped dry. Three carloads of mining equipment arrived by rail last Friday. Large electric double-drum hoist, and compressor with capacity of 800 cu. ft. recently bought from Ashley Mine, were included in plant received, which will be fully transferred from Larder Lake station to mine this week. A brace of four 300 K.V.P. transformers was also received for service at Raven Falls power plant, owned and operated by Proprietary Mine. Addition of these new transformers will allow considerable stepping up of capacity of the Raven Falls power supply, and is expected to take care of increased demand for power by Kerr-Addison, which obtains electric power from this source. Power for domestic use at Larder Lake townsite is also supplied by Proprietary's plant. In view of greatly increased demand for power, it is reported officially that Proprietary plan development of power rights held on Wendigo Falls, located about eight miles northeast of Englehart. Development of approximately 900 h.p. is said to be possible at this site.

Complete new wiring of Raven Mine buildings has been practically completed, and these will be ready for turning on of power as soon as hoist and compressor have been installed. Officials state that earlier work carried on some 15 years ago, when Harris Maxwell was noted as one of Ontario's earliest gold producers, and a 10-stamp mill was placed in operation, has indicated approximately 8,000 tons of ore averaging $10.99. However, present plans call for rechecking of all old workings, and until clearer picture of the ore situation is available, officials state that no public offering of stock in Raven River gold is to be made.

Omega Increases Hoists

A diamond drill was set up last week and drilled one hole, cutting ore zone at depth of approximately 600 ft., and is reported to have substantiated earlier results.

Preparations for installation of over double present capacity of hoisting equipment at Omega Mine is under way. Hoist room is being enlarged to accommodate larger equipment, which will allow hoisting of up to 1,000 tons per day. Instead of single skip and single cage, two combinations skips and cages are to be installed. Immediate increase of mill head values is considered likely with larger hoist, as sorting of development rock will then be possible.


Kerr-Addison Mine is also preparing for development on increased scale, with installation of large compressor, allowing air for nearly six machines instead of two now operating, in addition to two diamond drills. One drill is set up underground in Reddick shaft, and is probing walls with short flat holes similar to sampling method used in Kerr-Addison shaft.

Another diamond drill is putting down hole approximately 100 feet apart, cutting ore zone at about 400-ft. depth.

Martin Bird, which has been working about two years on a property on the south shore of Larder Lake, five miles south of Omega reports important underground development. On the first level two parallel veins have been opened up west of the shaft giving 75 ft. running $8 across six feet, and 300 ft. running $10 across five feet. Drift is now approaching No. 8 hole which showed 75 ft. running $5. The second level crosscut shows a 30-ft. wide vein running $7.20.

—The National Post, February 27, 1937. Pg. 23. (via newspapers.com).

Kerr-Addison Offers Options

Shareholders Will Get One Share New Stock for Three Held

Kerr-Addison Gold Mines will have a cash position of $1.5 million when rights offered by the company to shareholders are exercised. Shareholders will be given rights to buy an issue of treasury stock at 80 cents per share, the basis being one share for every three shares registered on or before noon, March 20, 1937.

An additional 1,­180,­000 shares will be absorbed by exercise of the rights. Total shares outstanding will then be 4,­721,­000 of a 5,­000,­000-share capitalization. There are at present 3,­504,­006 shares outstanding.

Kerr-Addison now has a cash position of approximately $600,­000. Easy terms have been arranged for payment of rights, the first 25% of the amount being due and payable on April 15. Shareholders will be advised of dates upon which the three equal installments comprising the balance will become payable.

To provide a 500-ton mill with capacity to crush, grind and hoist 1,000 tons daily and to bring the mine to profitable production will cost approximately $1,­250,­000, M.F. Fairlie, M.E., estimates. Continuous underground work and drilling have indicated what is thought to be one of the largest ore bodies of its kind on this 650-acre Larder Lake property. The present company was organized in the spring of 1935 by G. Boyd Webster of Toronto.

Companies interested in Kerr-Addison include Mining Corporation of Canada, Ventures Noranda, International Mining Corporation, F.M. Connell Exploration and Anglo-Huronian.

J.H.C. Waite, president of Mining Corporation, is authority for the statement that development on Kerr-Addison has gone far enough to assure ample tonnage for a considerable time.

—The National Post, March 6, 1937. Pg. 27. (via newspapers.com).

Mining News

Drilling on Armistice

Diamond drilling on the Amistice Gold Mines property, contiguous to the Kerr-Addison Mines on the west, Larder Lake area, Ont., is now well underway, according to Alex Labounsky, who is in charge. Work started March 10th on Hole No. 2, located at the intersection of the foot of the dolomite hill and the north property line. Hole No. 1 had been sited 300 feet east of Hole No. 2, and the core when removed on account of broken ground, disclosed dolomite with quartz and pyrite. Cold weather has interfered to some extent. Armistice recently acquired by purchase a small group of claims which now makes its east boundary touch on the west of Kerr-Addison.

—The Montreal Gazette, March 18, 1937. Pg. 21. (via newspapers.com).

News and Views from Toronto

(By special arrangement with Globe and Mail, Toronto.)

Toronto, April 2.—Sensational widths and values are reported from diamond-drilling operations at property of Chesterville Larder Lake Gold Mining Company, which owns one claim sandwiched into holdings of Kerr-Addison Gold Mines, Larder Lake, and two claims adjoining Kerr-Addison on the east. Briefly, recent development has proved a parallel break to the original Kerr-Addison vein from which such important widths and values have recently been reported. Chesterville claim upon which discoveries have been made consists of eighteen acres with width of about 600 feet, east and west. A diamond drill hole on the green dolomite zone developed further west by Kerr-Addison shows forty-six feet of ore running an average of $10.70 across the entire width, with five feet in centre assaying $86.80 per ton. Four holes have been put down in the new south zone, which is 310 feet south of the Kerr-Addison break and a fifth is under way. First hole in this area shows thirty-seven feet running $48.25 per ton after elimination of five inches showing free gold. With the latter added values are $66.80. A second hole one hundred feet west of the first passed through thirty-eight feet of ore showing free gold identical in appearance with material from the first hole but values of which have not yet been released. Reports from two last holes are not yet available in detail but it now looks as if at least four hundred feet of a high grade shoot had been demonstrated. Chesterville is an old company having been organized just thirty years ago but kept in good standing. In early days a ten stamp mill was erected but saved only around fifty per cent. of values, net recovery being nine dollars per ton from several hundred tons taken from surface. In those days operations were unprofitable.

—The Montreal Gazette, April 3, 1937. Pg. 23. (via newspapers.com).

Mining Jottings Here and There

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The No. 2 drill hole at Chesterville Larder Lake on the north of the Kerr Addison break is reported to have cut three separate zones as follows: 10-1/4 feet at $8.20; nine feet with free gold; 46 feet at $10.70 and 31 feet at $2.75. Hole No. 1 on the south break cut 37 feet of $48.25. Hole No. 3, 100 feet west of No. 1, cut 38 feet of very rich core showing visible gold. Hole No. 5, 100 feet west of No. 3, is now drilling.

—The Ottawa Citizen, April 5, 1937. Pg. 9. (via newspapers.com).

Townsmen's Faith Justified But 'twas Long, Long Wait

Back of the encouraging results recently obtained from the property of Chesterville Larder Lake Gold Mining Co., adjoining Kerr-Addison on the east, is a story which has taken 30 years to mature and, like Scotch whisky, is all the better for the process.

The story starts in the year 1906, at the time of the Larder Lake boom, and five years before W.H. Wright drove his stake into what was later to become Wright Hargreaves Gold Mines. In 1906, Larder Lake was the scene of intense staking. In the rush to get there, scores of prospectors rushed past what is now Kirkland Lake. Among those to stake property in that year was a syndicate representing a group of residents in the little southeastern Ontario town of Chesterville. Financed largely by the home-town folks, the following year, a company was formed, and in keeping with the localized background was named Chesterville Larder Lake Gold Mining Co. That was in 1907, when it was not thought necessary to start out with three million shares in the treasury. So the new company was modestly capitalized at one million shares, par value, if you please, $1.

Some work was done on the property. The results obtained were sufficient to make the little Chesterville group confident that they had something. But the reaction inevitably set in, and Larder Lake waned in popularity, yielding place to the far more sensational Kirkland Lake area. The little property of three mining claims in Larder Lake had not done anything sensational, and was forgotten – forgotten, that is, by everyone except the group of Chesterville citizens who had staked it.

Years went by. Stock of Chesterville Larder Lake had no market. The company was listed in mining reference books as first, "Inactive" and later "Inactive for many years." But just try to convince L.J. Kearns of Chesterville, Ont., and his colleagues that the stock was a write-off.

Came, as the movies say, $35 gold. Later came a reorganization of several old Larder Lake properties, and the formation in 1935, of Omega Gold Mines. Came, as a result, a revival of interest in Larder Lake, and broker's statisticians started leafing reference maps to see "where the darned place was."

Work started up on several old properties, including that of Kerr-Addison, whose property in size appears on the maps as completely over-shadowing the little three-claim group adjoining our old friend Chesterville Larder Lake. This chain of events brings the shouting and the tumult pretty close to Chesterville Larder Lake, with the result that the little Chesterville group suddenly found itself "in funds" for resuming development work where it had left off 30 years before.

Not one whit surprised by these Rip Van Winklian developments, was Mr. Kearns, general manager of Chesterville Larder Lake, who knew, all along, that it was just a matter of time. For 30 years, Mr. Kearns and the Chesterville citizens had kept faith with the property.

Knows Every Rock

Kerr-Addison was making headlines with work on a structure to the north of the property a structure which cut across Chesterville Larder Lake ground. It was naturally taken for granted that Chesterville would start work along this structure, in an attempt to pick up similar values to those on the neighboring Kerr-Addison. But Mr. Kearns, who is reputed to know the life story of every pebble on the property, had ideas of his own, ideas which sounded just plain silly to trained mining engineers. Kearns felt that a break to the south of the property was the one to work on. Impervious to the well-meant advice offered him by outside engineers, Kearns turned his back on the northern break, set up his drill, and put down No. 1 hole to cut what he believed to be a mineralized structure to the south.

No. 1 hole at 273 ft. inclined depth, gave values of $48.25 over 37 ft. width, after removing some inches of free gold!

This is reputed by mining men to be the best No. 1 hole ever put down in Canada.

After proving his point, Kearns moved his drill to the north structure and cut what is a continuation of the Kerr-Addison structure, showing, according to information supplied The Financial Post $8.40 over 10 ft. 3 inches width. Drilling was then resumed on the southern structure with results which, it is believed, will disclose a length of 500 ft., of very satisfactory grade and widths.

—The National Post, April 17, 1937. Pg. 23. (via newspapers.com).

News and Views From Toronto

Kerr Addison's Progress

Very rich ore is being taken from the raise from the 175 foot level at Kerr Addison Mine, Larder Lake district, specimens brought to Toronto yesterday by President G.B. Webster, showing a friable quartz containing considerable mariposite and much free gold. On the 500-foot level, the lowest horizon yet reached, the east drift from the main crosscut, is out about 600 feet, carried on the footwall side of the zone with width of 10 feet. Values averaging $30 per ton have been found over length of 160 feet, while a second section so far developed over length of 30 feet shows about the same values in gold. Ahead of the drift are several diamond drill intersections which have shown high values, the last being 300 feet ahead, which cut values of $29.50 uncut across 25 feet and $15.70 after samples had been cut. These, however, were not true widths which are estimated at from 10 to 15 feet. Important developments have also taken place west of the crosscut on the 300 foot level where a flat hole put out from the face of a drift 50 feet from the crosscut, cut 10 feet of ore running $27.50. Still further west to maximum distance of 320 feet, are three other diamond drill holes, all showing good values up to $29.70 per ton. This area is now to be developed and a series of lateral holes are to be drilled along the east drift, to determine full widths and values. Diamond drilling is being continued with hole No. 510 well under way to cut the zone at depth of 500 feet. Four other holes in the eastern section have proven good widths and values at depth of 500 feet. Staff-house and office buildings have been completed and a bunkhouse is now under construction for a crew of 50. At the present time the company is using 250 horsepower derived from the hydro-electric plants at Corset and Raven Falls on Larden [sic] River and it is expected that before October a maximum of 2,300 horsepower will be available. Steps will then be taken to install adequate machinery for mining and milling purposes.

—The Montreal Gazette, April 29, 1937. Pg. 21. (via newspapers.com).

Start Sinking Shaft

Chesterville Officials Announce Immediate Plans

(Special to The Gazette.)

Toronto, November 2—Officials of Chesterville Larder Lake Gold Mining Company announced here today results of the systmatic diamond drilliing, carried on under the direction of Dr. W.F. James, indicates over a million tons of commercial ore in the main orebody to a depth of 470 feet, and that it has been decided to start sinking a three-compartment shaft immediately.

According to report of L.T. Postle in charge of operations under Dr. James, the diamond drilling programme which consisted of approximately 9,­000 feet, indicates the main ore body as now known is located on the west claim No. 404 which projects into the Kerr-Addison property. A secondary body is also indicated in the hanging wall on which no estimates have been made to date.

Word from the property states building operations have already been commenced on the townsite which has been carefully planned and laid out to provide for future expansion and which will be known as Kearns, Ont.

Mill is Nearly Ready

Raven River Production to Start About November 10

(Special to The Gazette.)

Toronto, November 2—The 50-ton mill at Raven River Gold Mines, Larder Lake area is now practically completed and barring any unforseen difficulties will start initial production about November 10 it is learned from officials.

Operations underground have been resumed again after a four week cessation due to lack of power. The bringing into operation of the Raven power plant of Proprietary Mines has made ample power available for the Raven River Gold Mines operation. The taking down of backs is now going forward with visible gold encountered in several places in the work. Slashing for the hoist station for the new winze is completed. The winze will be sunk from the 500-foot horizon to open up two new levels down to 700 feet. The winze is located some distance southwest of the present shaft.

—The Montreal Gazette, November 3, 1937. Pg. 21. (via newspapers.com).

Week In Mining

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Arjon Gold Mines, holding approximately 200 acres in McGarry twp., Larder Lake area, adjoining Kerr-Addison on the west, has laid out programme of deep diamond drilling to explore possible extension of Kerr-Addison ore zone onto its property. Work is expected to start shortly.

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Kir-Vit Mines, holding 17 claims in McVittie twp., Larder Lake area of Ontario, will resume work at property, having completed new financing arrangements. Last year a complete mining plant was installed and a three-compartment shaft sunk to 275 ft., with stations cut at 125 ft. and 250 ft. To intersect ore zone crosscuts were put out, and as soon as property is in shape drifting will resume.

—The National Post, February 26, 1938. Pg. 18. (via newspapers.com).

Arjon Gold Mines advertisement in National Post, March5, 1938

—The National Post (Toronto), March 5, 1938. Pg. 19. (via newspapers.com).

Chesterville Report Covers 30-year Period

In its annual report for the year ended Dec. 31, 1937, Chesterville Larder Lake Gold Mining Co. shows current assets of $68,­419, against current liabilities of $42,­470, leaving working capital of $25,­949.

Included in the current assets are advances totalling $14,­746, of which $11,­500 is shown as advanced to a director. The remaining $3,296 was an advance to Kearns Properties Ltd., for surveying and other costs in connection with the townsite.

J.T. Kearns, secretary-treasurer advises shareholders that shaft sinking under power is being pushed ahead at a rapid rate. He estimates that costs of current development will run in the neighborhood of $10,­000 per month. Financing the company from now on has been placed on a basis which should, if the contract with the company is fulfilled, furnish this amount monthly.

L.T. Postle, manager of the property, in his report to directors, states that drilling to 600-foot depth has indicated 1,­070,­000 tons of ore averaging $8.30 per ton uncut, and $5.45 per ton with high assays out to $25.

A statement of receipts and expenditures covering period March 20, 1907 (date of company's incorporation) to Dec. 31, 1937, shows total receipts of $170,­764 of which $53,­536 is in the bank and $57, 257 spent in exploration, development, and other expenses at the mine.

—The National Post (Toronto), March 12, 1938. Pg. 23. (via newspapers.com).

One Dead, Three Hurt, In Motor Accident

Kirkland Lake, Ont., March 15.—(CP)—Warren Willard was killed instantly today and three others were injured when the car in which they were travelling to work at the Kerr-Addison Mine collided with a parked truck on the Larder Lake highway. The three injured, all miners, were Campbell Connolly, severely cut about the face and head; Ernest Lunday, cut about the head, and Fred Rivers, who suffered cuts and a broken arm.

—The Ottawa Journal, March 15, 1938. Pg. 7. (via newspapers.com).

Bodies of Four Miners Sought


Same Place Where Two Died Last Year

Kirkland Lake, Ont., March 16.—The bodies of four miners lay under thousands of tons of rock and ore in the Teck Hughes gold mine today, buried 3,­900 feet underground at the spot where two other men were killed in a rock slide last year. Several days' work faced a rescue crew digging at the debris.

The four, Anthony Gornick, Harvey Peever, Wilbur Lamoureux and Red Nichols, were buried without warning yesterday when an air blast caused the roof of a stope leading to the 3,800-foot level to fall in upon the men. The accident occurred without warning and it was believed the men had no chance to leap for safety.

Officials, preparing for an investigation into the tragedy, said it would take at least two days to dig into the pile of fallen rock to bring out the crushed bodies. The accident occurred at the same place where two miners died in a rock slide. Work on the stope was discontinued after the first mishap and was resumed only a few days ago.

Two other miners died in the series of accidents that occurred in Northern Ontario's mining country yesterday. Alex Maloney, 39, was killed in a fall of loose rock in the Bidgood mine, also in the Kirkland Lake district. He was working at the 600-foot level. Warren Willard was killed when an automobile struck a truck near here.

Three others riding with Willard were injured. They were Campbell Connolly, Ernest Lunday and Fred River. All were en route to work in the Kerr Addison mine. Brought to hospital here, they were expected to recover. The body of Willard was sent to his native St. Marys, 10 miles from Stratford.

—The Windsor Star, March 16, 1938. Pg. 2. (via newspapers.com).

The Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario

(Extracted from an advertisement)

The following mines are served, or are about to be served by the Commission in the various Northern Ontario Mining Districts:—

—The National Post, March 26, 1938. Pg. 27. (via newspapers.com).

Activity Around the Mines

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Construction of the 500-ton mill at the Kerr Addison gold mines in the Larder Lake area is proceeding rapidly, according to Jackson Bros.' Grain Co. private wire. The crew is working day and night in three shifts, and officials state that the mill will be ready for its initial run late this month or early in May.

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Production at Wright Hargreaves mines, the big gold producer in the Kirkland Lake area, for the six-month period ending Feb. 28 had a gross value of $3,­900,­000, compared with $3,­780,­000 in the same period of the previous year. Daily average tonnage being treated is 1,195 tons, with average recovery of $18.05 per ton.

—The Winnipeg Tribune, April 4, 1938. Pg. 16. (via newspapers.com).

Arjon Starts Drilling

The first hole of the diamond drill programme laid out for Arjon Gold Mine, Larder Lake area, has been spotted by E.K. Fockler, consulting geologist, and drilling is now underway, according to J.A. Griffith, president. This hole is located approximately half way between the north and south boundaries and close to the Kerr Addison line, and will have a length of 600 feet. A total of at least 5,000 feet of drilling is planned, and will be under the direct supervision of W.M. Swan, who has been appointed resident engineer.

—The Montreal Gazette, April 13, 1938. Pg. 25. (via newspapers.com).

Ivan Larder Mines

(Special to The Gazette.)

Toronto, April 13.—Latest diamond drill hole at Ivan Larder Mines holding 549 acres in the Larder Lake area west of Kerr Addison after passing through a porphyry intrusive cut 50 feet of mineralization at depth of between 400 and 450 feet, according to word from property to head office. The hole is being continued.

—The Montreal Gazette, April 14, 1938. Pg. 25. (via newspapers.com).

Expect Kerr-Addison Operating in 10 Days

Toronto, April 21.—(CP)—Mill of Kerr-Addison gold mines should be in operation within 10 days, annual report of the company for 1937 said today. Provision has been made to increase capacity of the plant from the initial 500 tons daily to 100 tons an hour, it was stated, as ore developed has exceeded original estimates.

Ore reserves were listed at 1,­084,­205 tons with a total uncut value of $10,­151,­768. Reserves were reported at 1,­000,­000 at June 30, 1937.

Working capital at the year-end was $449,­037, compared with $1,­056,­375 at August 31. Current assets of $587,­173, included $534,­326 cash. Current liabilities were $138,­136.

—The Ottawa Journal, April 21, 1938. Pg. 23. (via newspapers.com).

Mining Company Reports

Kerr-Addison Gold Mines

Provision has been made at Kerr-Addison Gold Mines for eventual increase in mill capacity to 100 tons per hour with little additional equipment, W.S. Row, manager, says in his summary accompanying the company's second annual report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1937.

In view of the installation of equipment to handle a much larger tonnage than was originally contemplated, the cost of this plant has exceeded the original estimates and has necessitated negotiation of a loan of $250,­000 from Kerr-Addison's bankers. This loan is repayable out of first earnings. Production is expected to begin early in May.

During the year the company incorporated Kerr-Addison Properties Ltd., to which was transferred the surface rights on 90.85 acres of Kerr-Addison's property. Stock in this company is entirely owned by Kerr-Addison Gold Mines.

Kerr-Addison Properties has formed a townsite named Virginiatown and has laid out 250 lots.

Balance sheet as at Dec. 31, 1937, shows cash on hand and in banks of $534,­326. Advances recoverable amount to $26,­413, while C.N.R. bonds of par value $27,­500, deposited as security for power, are shown at cost of $26,­434. Current liabilities, made up of unpaid supply and equipment accounts, including accrued payrolls, are shown at $138,­136.

—The National Post, April 30, 1938. Pg. 19. (via newspapers.com).

New Towns Arise

Larder Lake Latest Centre as Result of Mining in Northern Ontario

[Port Arthur News-Chronicle]

An unfolding picture which never loses its fascination is that which is constantly bringing new towns into existence in various sections of Canada.

The new names are mostly in the mining areas where communities continue to appear and grow just as Beardmore and Geraldton came into being within the past five years.

One of the latest of these is Larder City. This one has the added romance of a history dating back more than thirty years.

It was about 1905 that the name of Larder Lake as a mining area and Larder City as the metropolis were first heard, but the mines did not quite do their part. Promises faded, but only temporarily. Many of the pioneers passed but new-comers have come on the scene and a list of going properties headed by Kerr Addison has provided the impetus for the realization of a thirty-year-old dream.

Within two years a population of 1,800 has located on the townsite. Among the improvements now under construction is a $100,­000 theatre. The first job to be tackled by the new council will be provision of a filtration and sewage plant, and other modern touches are to follow in rapid succession. Many new homes are being built, and it is said that between thirty and forty new business establishments will be erected early this year.

Thus the story goes on all over the country. Cobalt, Kirkland Lake, Timmins, Rouyn, Geraldton, Beardmore, Red Lake, Sherridon, Flin Flon, and others far into the north-west, a constant advance and development, the bringing to the country of new wealth and added prosperity through the investment of capital and the development of industry.

—The Windsor Star, May 2, 1938. Pg. 25. (via newspapers.com).

Kerr-Addison Mills 350 Tons in a Day

Toronto, May 4.—(CP)—Mill of Kerr-Addison Gold Mines, Limited, handled 150 tons of ore last Monday, the first day of production, President George B. Webster said at the annual meeting today. Turnover increased to 350 tons yesterday at the 500-ton plant. Monday's ore averaged $3.50 a ton.

The president believed a Canadian record was established when a mill of this capacity was in operation within two years and one month of the incorporation of the company.

Development work has been curtailed lately owing to the necessity of opening up stopes, shareholders were told. No development work has been done below the 500-foot level. Present production level is 300 foot.

Mine Manager W.S. Row estimated operating costs would run about $3.20 to $3.40 a ton. Ore grade was fingured at around $5.75.

Directors were re-elected and reports adopted.

—The Ottawa Journal, May 4, 1938. Pg. 21. (via newspapers.com).

Around The Mines

*   *   *

The mill at Kerr Addison mines, Larder Lake area, which commenced operations on May 5 at 500-ton rate may be stepped up to 700 tons daily, according to advices received by Jackson Bros. Grain Co. Officials state that there is more than sufficient ore for this increased tonnage treatment.

*   *   *

—The Winnipeg Tribune, May 12, 1938. Pg. 16. (via newspapers.com).

Writ Served Against Kerr Addison Mines

(Special to The Gazette.)

Toronto, May 20.—Writ was served today by Clarence E. Billinghurst and other shareholders of Proprietary Mines against Kerr Addison Gold Mines claiming recovery of possession of mining properties.

Plaintiff is suing on his own behalf as well as on behalf of all shareholders of Proprietary Mines except Paul A. Fisher, R.W. Farrar, A.F. Demary, W.W. Snider, William Weller, E.M. Thompson and C.D McGregor.

Defendants in writ are Kerr Addison Gold Mines, George G. Webster, J.H. Colville, A. Dorfman, J.H Rattray, Paul A. Fisher, R.W. Farrar, A.F. Demary, W.W. Snider, William Weller, E. Murray Thompson, F.O. Hearn and Co., and Col. D.F. Pidgeon.

In addition to recovery of mining properties, plaintiffs seek damages of $500,­000. As alternative writ seeks $20,­000,­000. "In event it is impossible to put titles back in name of Proprietary Mines, Ltd., free and clear of any claim."

The new mill at Kerr Addison Gold Mines is treating close to 500 tons per day with performance to date up to expectations. Millheads have been averaging substantially above estimated grade figures. First gold brick will be poured on June 11.

—The Montreal Gazette, May 21, 1938. Pg. 25. (via newspapers.com).

Toronto Lists Chesterville

Company Formed in 1907 Plans Further Work at Depth

Toronto Stock Exchange has listed and called for trading shares of Chesterville Larder Lake Gold Mining Co. Ticker abbreviation will be CHV. The company was incorporated with Ontario charter March 20, 1907, and is capitalized at 2,­000,­000 $1 par value shares, of which 1,­319,­959 shares are issued. Of the issued stock, 105,­000 shares are held in trust for the benefit of the company. To date, 469,­959 shares have been sold for cash, netting the treasury $330,­027, and 850,­000 shares have been issued for properties in the Larder Lake district of Ontario.

Chesterville has sunk a three-compartment shaft to 330 ft. and cut stations on the 150 and 300-ft. levels. Present plans call for an additional 1,360 ft. of crosscutting and drifting to be done on each level and 2,980 ft. of diamond drilling from underground.

Under agreements dated July 17, 1937, May 23, 1938, and June 3, 1938, a total of 1,­015,­000 shares were optioned at $1.12-1/2 per share until Dec. 31, 1939, to Collins & Mackinnon, who in turn optioned 439,­100 shares to J. Bradley Streit. To date, 231,­500 shares have been taken up, leaving a balance of 783,­500. To keep the option in good standing, Collins & Mackinnon must purchase such amounts of stock as may be demanded by the Chesterville consulting geologist from time to time on 30 days notice.

Directors are: C.W. Casselman, president; E.B Lynch, vice-president; J.T. Kearns, secretary-treasurer and managing director, H.C. Hummel, all of Chesterville, Ont.; L.J. Kearns, general manager, Windsor. The consulting engineer is Dr. W.F. James.

—The National Post (Toronto), July 9, 1938. Pg. 23. (via newspapers.com).


New Post offices established in Ontario include Scarlet Park, iin the district of Simcoe East (summer office) and Virginiatown, in the district of Temiskaming. Both are now in operation.

—The Windsor Star, July 25, 1938. Pg. 3. (via newspapers.com).


The Imperial Bank of Canada is opening a branch at Virginiatown in northern Ontario under the management of A.E. Butler. Mr. Butler was formerly on the inspection staff of the bank in the West. Virginiatown is the new community that has come into being as a result of the development of Kerr-Addison Gold Mines Limited in the Larder Lake mining district. It is situated on Kerr-Addison ground and is the scene of considerable building activity as many of the employees of the company are buying lots and putting up houses.

—The Financial Post (National Post), August 13, 1938. Pg. 11. (via newspapers.com).

New Bank Branches

Two new sub-branches and one branch were opened by the Canadian chartered banks between Sept. 1 and Oct. 1 according to Houston's Bank Directory for October. One sub-branch was opened by the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Kearns, Ont., the new town laid out in connection with Chesterville Larder Lake Gold Mining Company. The other was opened by The Imperial Bank at Matachewan, Ont. The Bank of Nova Scotia opened a branch at Shellbrook, Sask.

One branch was closed during the period by the Royal Bank at Lochalsh in the Algoma District of Ontario.

—The National Post, November 5, 1938. Pg. 16. (via newspapers.com).

Social Notes: Delisle


Thirty young people gathered at the home of Mrs. McMillan in a farewell party for Miss Mary McFee who leaves for Kearns, Ontario. The evening was spent in games and dancing. Miss McFee has been telephone operator here for the past one and one half years.

*   *   *

—Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, April 24, 1939. Pg. 15. (via newspapers.com).

At The Property

Post's Mining Editor Tours Larder Lake and Porcupine Areas

By Ronald A. McEachren

Mining Editor, The Financial Post

In Larder Lake

Kerr Addision expects to start building a new dry for miners' clothing in the near future. Miners will come in from the mine, doff all their clothing, put their lunch boxes on a special conveyor, bathe, then walk upstairs for street clothes, where their lunch boxes – inspected will be waiting for them.

*   *   *

Kerr Addison and its adjoining neighbor Chesterville are in hot competition with townsites. Kerr has its Virginiatown, down beside the lake, just a few steps from the mine. Chesterville has its Kearns, also close to the mine on the opposite side of the property, and not so close to the lake.

The Kerr Addison is the real summer resort layout of Canadian mining. The mill is on top of a tree-clad hill overlooking the lake. Just enough of the silver birches and evergreens have been cut out to permit mill operations. At the foot of the hill, beside the lake, is the Virginiatown townsite, being developed by the subsidiary, Kerr Addison Properties.

The management was very alert in handling the townsite problem which is often botched. About 500 people live there now, the second summer of its life, and half a dozen smart new homes are a-building there, with many more planned to follow. There is a nifty hotel, and a Kirkland Lake movie house baron has an option which forces him to build a cinema at least by the time 1,500 people live in the area. This seems not far away.

*   *   *

Inducements Offered

Sewage system, chlorinated water supply and electric light are all available in this "baby" town. Many miners are taking advantage of the special inducements offered by the Kerr Addison management, and many tradesmen are climbing aboard the community bandwagon in its early days, mindful of the handsome fortunes now enjoyed by various northern merchants who gambled on camps in their earliest days like Bucovetsky or Mascioli.

Kerr Addison charges about $500 for a lot, I understand, but for employees of the mine, half price goes.

With the lake just below, and such agreeable living quarters available, Kerr Addison is becoming a very popular place to work.

Chesterville's Kearns is just getting under way and has only a dozen houses or so to date, but a very swank hotel with modernistic, blue-tile front is already established. It seems to be a matter of some pride at Virginiatown that quite a few of the Chesterville workers are inhabiting the Kerr Addison camp.

*   *   *

Things have gone pretty quiet around Larder Lake, but gossip among mine scouts is that the area is still "hot" for the mining outfit with luck and with lots of money, a commodity few can get in times like the present.

Martin Bird is well regarded by several scouts when interviewed. One of them at Timmins, commenting on the string of properties through Larder Lake area optioned by Consolidated Smelters, said: "If Smelters will only stick, and give these properties a really thorough test, I think they are sure to be well rewarded."

[End of Excerpt]

—The Financial Post (National Post), June 3, 1939. Pg. 23. (via newspapers.com).

How Initial Gold Discovery Staked in Northern Ontario

Authentic Story of Finding of Gold at Larder Lake Thirty-Five Years Ago by Little Group of Chesterville Men Who Blazed Trail Through Wilderness. Excerpts From Story by Mrs. Amelia Lambkin, Published in Chesterville Record.

When we look upon and admire a finished product, seldom do we stop to think about its origin. We accept a steamship line, a railroad, a magnificent highway, as a matter of course; milestones in the advancement of progress, but seldom give much thought to the years spent by those who visualized their completion. In the same manner we read about the opening up of a new mining center. But every new development means that away back at the beginning of things were the pioneers who took all the hard knocks, suffered unthinkable privations and made desperate sacrifices in order to bring about the ultimate sucess of the venture.

In this connection, an arresting story is told of two little groups of Chesterville men who blazed the trail of the Larder Lake Gold Mines in Northern Ontario.

It was back in 1904, when John Hummel went into Northern Ontario to work in timber. Along with him was Wm. Knott. After a few months he decided to homestead, and took up a timber claim of 160 acres, he and Knott working together. The following year silver was discovered at Cobalt, and the entire country was enthused over it. Back in Chesterville John's brother, Herman Hummel, heard of the Cobalt discovery and his enthusiasm ran high. He had a little money and was willing to risk it in financing John if he could persuade him to branch out and do some prospecting. This would necessitate his going north himself.

The Beginning

Herman felt no hesitation in undertaking the venture since he was thoroughly at home as a bushman and from an early age could handle a canoe or any sort of water craft. He talked with many of his townsmen and found that Edward Flynn had also been caught in the whirlpool of adventure and was ready to join him. Together they visited brother John, but Herman could not remain long because of home duties. He was so thoroughly convinced, however, that the country abounded in rich mineral that he financed his brother to carry on. Hummel, Flynn and Knott continued to prospect around that section for another month, with no particular results. At the end of this time they decided to bring out the samples they had collected and try in some other field. To this end, they went on to New Liskeard, where they met Dr. Reddick and Norman Cameron, who had been prospecing in another direction, looking for silver.

The five men were confident that the gold and silver were there for the finding and all were willing and anxious to continue the search. Together they talked over the situation, consulted government maps, and reasoned that along the Wendigo Lakes should be a good place to prospect for gold. With the spirit of Spartans the five men went forth over the wastes of rock and forest toward the goal of which they dreamed.

They outfitted in New Liskeard, which at that time was the end of steel. Beginning their long trek they took the steamer Timiskaming, to the mouth of the White river, then on 22 miles to Tomstown. Then came a seven-mile portage. There a team was hired to take them to the Wendigo Lakes. And now began the real pioneering.

There are nine in this group of lakes, the last of which is called "Raven," the only outlet of Larder Lake being a river of the same name, Raven river. At that time the entire country was primeval wilderness, threaded only with Indian trails. All the men had to guide them were government maps which marked out these trails and portages. The distance from the entrance to the lakes is appropximately sixty miles, which must be covered by canoe throughout the entire chain of lakes. At all portages they had to double back three or four times before supplies were all carried forward. This called for strenuous work, since there were eleven portages and, in addition to all other supplies, there were two canoes to be handled, each weighing 65 pounds.

Their Reward

The five men prospected all the way up, without results, until they arrived at Larder Lake. Here at last they were rewarded for their long, untiring effort. The first discovery was made. Edward Flynn struck what they considered a very rich vein on a claim which is now a big producer and is part of the Kerr Addison. That strike is authentically conceded to be the first gold discovered in Northern Ontario.

Great excitement prevailed among the small group of men. Late in July the party staked three claims and brought out findings which ran fine assays, with proof conclusive that the claims were rich in gold.

On the tenth of August, 1906, wires were sent to friends and townsmen back home and three days later the second party left Chesterville for the property. This group consisted of J.T. Kearns, Herman Hummel, Wesley G. Barkley and John Elliott. They followed the same perilous route and arrived on August 17, started prospecting on the 20th and made another discovery. This second find was made by Herman Hummel and J.T. Kearns. A claim was staked the next day and three days later an additional two claims were discovered and staking on these was begun. On the twenty-fifth they finished the work and started for home.

In mining circles one of these three claims is accepted as running the richest in gold among all of Northern Ontario mines.

On the tenth of September the entire party went back to do their assessment work and although only two weeks had elapsed since their leaving, they found on their return a tented city. The place teemed with men. News of the discovery of gold had reached the outside and men had flocked in around Larder Lake by the thousand. The solitary fastness was now peopled by a motley horde, many of whom expected to make their fortunes overnight.

But now – while the pioneers knew their claim ran rich in gold, there came the vital problem of a way out. They realized they must have a railroad, but how were they to get it?

At that time W.H. Casselman, a native son of Chesterville, was serving as member in the legislature for Dundas county under the Drury government. It ocurred to the group of pioneers that Mr. Casselman would naturally be interested in a matter of such great importance. He was approached and asked to bring to the notice of the House the great need of a spur being added to the T & N.O railroad from New Liskeard through to Larder Lake for the further development of mining. After much lobbying and earnest reasoning the line went through.

In 1908, John Hummel, Edward Flynn, William Knott, Norman Cameron and Dr. Reddick sold their interests to a Montreal company in consideration of $70,­000 in cash and 500,­000 shares of stock, which would give each man 100,­000 shares. This was to be formed into a company known as the Reddick Mines. The arrangement carried on for a short time when it dissolved.

—The Ottawa Citizen, September 23, 1939. Pg. 16. (via newspapers.com).

Wed at Kirkland Lake

A ceremony was solemnized February 14, at the United Church manse, Kirkland Lake, Ont., when Miss Marie Ladd, of Winnipeg, was united in marriage to Mr. William Pearce, of Kenora, Ont. Rev. J.E. Graham officiated.

The bride wore air force blue with navy hat and corsage of red roses and lily of the valley.

Mrs. Leonard Johnson, who attended the bride, wore teal blue with matching hat.

Mr. and Mrs. Pearce left by motor for Virginiatown where they will reside.

A reception was held in Virginiatown at the home of Mrs. J.E. Lafferty.

—The Winnipeg Tribune, February 26, 1940. Pg. 9. (via newspapers.com).

National Post photo, Feb 22, 1941

Here is the nucleus of a new settlement – Virginiatown – where employees of Kerr-Addison Gold mines live. Mining companies often assist employees to build comfortable homes, undertake installation of water and sewage systems, and sometimes even provide recreational centres.

—National Post (Toronto) February 22, 1941. Pg. 28. (via newspapers.com).

Chesterville Mines advertisement in National Post, 21 Feb 1942

—National Post (Toronto) February 21, 1942. Pg. 28. (via newspapers.com).

Beverley Parrott Dies in Accident

Word has been received in the city of the death of Beverley Parrott in an accident at the Kerr-Addison Mine, Virginiatown, some 20 miles east of Kirkland Lake, northern Ontario. The son of the late Lindsay S. Parrott and Mrs. Parrott, who lives at 606 McPherson Avenue. Beverley Parrott was educated at Buena Vista School and Nutana Collegiate. He is survived by two brothers, Bob in the Canadian navy, Fred in the R.C.A.F., and a younger sister, Ruth, living with her mother. He is also survived by a wife and four small children, who live at Virginiatown.

—Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, June 14, 1943. Pg. 3. (via newspapers.com).

PARROTT – The death of John Beverley Parrott, age 31, of Virginiatown, Ontario occurred on June 11th at Virginiatown, Ont. Funeral services will be held on June 17th at 9 a.m. from St. Paul's Cathedral with Park Funeral Chapel in charge. Rev. Father J. O'Leary of St. Paul's Cathedral will officiate. Interment in Roman Catholic Cemetery in Woodlawn. Survived by his widow, Veronica, three sons and one daughter; two brothers, Capt. (Dr.) Walter Frederick Parrott with the C.D.C., Yorkton, Robert L. Parrott, R.C.N., at St. Johns, Nfld.; a sister, Elizabeth Ruth of Saskatoon. The late Mr. Parrott, before moving to Virginiatown four years ago, was a resident of Saskatoon for a number of years, part of which he was associated in business with his father in the Parrott Book Store.

—Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, June 15, 1943. Pg. 2. (via newspapers.com).

New Life For Chesterville?

Shareholders Get New Hope From Diamond Drill Results

Future mine-making possibilities of Chesterville Larder Lake are now being explored thoroughly. After an auspicious start, this mine has perhaps disappointed its shareholders. But recent indications that the rich orebody of its neighbor, Kerr-Addison, may extend into the Chesterville property have reawakened enthusiasm. Within a few weeks, the whole picture is expected to be known as a result of diamond drilling exploration now under way.

By Gordon M. Grant

Chesterville Larder Lake has just embarked on what may soon prove the most significant diamond drilling program in its history.

It is a drilling campaign laden with possibilities which could spell either a new large-scale mine – or an old mine with a not too promising future. But from the preliminary view of conditions at depth given by a few scattered drill holes, the management has a very real hope of good things to come.

Not so long ago, the depth situation didn't look any too bright with the main Chesterville "A" ore body dipping off Chesterville ground into Kerr-Addison at a relatively shallow horizon. While the company's geologist was confident there was ore to be found at depth at Chesterville, there wasn't too much data to back up this belief in black and white.

Then a few drill holes begain to change the depth picture materially, gradually unfolding new possibilities and leading up to the present situation where a major mine may be disclosed at depth – when the further drill holes make their story known.

Explore Virgin Area

Most of the mining to date has been at the 925-ft. level and horizons above. It has been holes completed in the virgin area down to the 1,625-ft. bottom level which may have put new interest in the company's affairs. Several holes drilled from the Kerr mine at the 1,300-ft. level showed the Kerr-Addison main No. 21 ore body continuing on into Kerr-Addison ground. One ore intersection 100 feet inside the Chesterville west boundary (Chesterville adjoins to the east of Kerr) showed 30 feet of core grading $8.75 a ton at $35 gold. Other holes showed good values too.

After the 1,300-ft. level drilling was completed and the shaft was deepened further, an important drill hole was put out from the station at the 1,625-ft. horizon.

This hole returned 45 feet of core running $9.20 per ton.

Low-cost Mine

When it is realized that average recovery at Chesterville last year was only $4.75 a ton, it is not difficult to visualize what the opening of any tonnage of $9 grade ore could mean. The company ordinarily works on a large tonnage and narrow margin of profit basis.

It is conceivable that $9 ore might make Chesterville one of the lowest cost mines in Canada on a per ounce basis.

Completion of the first hole put out in the present program to explore the downward extension of the No. 21 ore body has been delayed by labor shortages but is expected any time. This hole, a horizontal one to the northwest from the end of the 480-ft. crosscut to the north at the 1,625-ft. level, was expected to cut the No. 21 ore body 320 feet north of the crosscut at a point 100 feet (on strike) from the west boundary with Kerr-Addison.

More Drilling Planned

Further horizontal holes are to be drilled from the end of the crosscut which it is hoped will cut the No. 21 ore body 200 and 275 feet respectively east of the company's west boundary with Kerr-Addison.

It is planned to drill further holes from the end of the 1,625-ft. level crosscut to explore above and below this horizon but exact details of this further exploration will not be worked out until results of the three flat holes presently being drilled are available.

Should the series of holes to be completed reveal ore comparable to that disclosed by the rich intersection in the hole put out from the shaft station at the 1,625-ft. level, it appears probable that development efforts will be concentrated on preparing the new and richer grade ore for milling. Just the ore to be milled from development faces, would prove a fine "sweetner" for overall production.

A crosscut is already going forward at the 1,325-ft. level and one is also planned at the 1,475-ft. horizon.

The Chesterville claim, in which the present workings are located, has an east-west width of 600 feet and a southwest-northeast dimension of 1,300 feet. The No. 21 ore structure occurs in the central section, angling across the claim, so that at depth, with further extension east, there could be a total length of over 850 feet to the west boundary with the Kerr-Addison ground. Chesterville also has some property further east, believed to be on strike, which might hold the westerly continuation of the No. 21 ore body should it be found to extend that far.

If the No. 21 ore body is found to extend into Chesterville ground with increased length as depth is reached – and this may be pretty well known in eight to 10 weeks – the influence on Chesterville mine-making conditions could be most profound. Diamond drilling at Kerr-Addison has shown the No. 21 ore body extending to a depth of 2,050 feet (how much deeper it goes is not yet known) and drill values as high as 0.699 oz. gold across 58 feet have been secured at the 2,000-ft. horizon. With the values improving at depth at Kerr-Addison, perhaps they will improve on Chesterville too, is the argument advanced.

The whole answer to this situation lies in what the drills tell. And the truth will soon be known on this situation.

—National Post (Toronto) August 14, 1943. Pg. 12. (via newspapers.com).

War Casualties

[Excerpt from 181 names]


Canadian Armored Corps

PAQUETTE, Paul A., Tpr., Kearns.

—The Windsor Star, November 29, 1944. Pg. 10. (via newspapers.com).

Chesterville Loss Larger

Toronto, May 16—(CP)—Chesterville Larder Lake Gold Mining Company Limited, Kearns, Ontario, had a net loss of $105,­065 for the year 1944, the company reported today. This compared with a net loss of $1,701 the previous year. Bullion production was $716,­174 from 152,­696 tons of ore milled compared with $945,­302 from 196,­687 tons. Net working capital was $403,­960 compared with $451,­671. Ore reserves were lower at 457,­800 tons compared with 470,­000 at the end of 1943.

—The Montreal Gazette, May 17, 1945. Pg. 19. (via newspapers.com).

Car Rolls End Over End, Six Injured

Renfrew, July 26.—(Special)—Six persons escaped with minor injuries last night when their car skidded on gravel, broke off a stop sign, and a curb sign, hit a large tree, flipped end over end and came to rest wheels up on Highway 17, three miles east of here.

The driver, John Allaire, 29, of Kearns, Ontario, and his passengers, Mrs. Osias Allaire, 34, of Kearns, his sister-in-law; her daughter, Vivian, 10, her son, James, 14, the driver's uncle, Aime Allaire, 68, of Cobalt, and the driver's father, Joseph Allaire, 71, of Buckingham, all suffered cuts and bruises.

Five were treated at Victoria Hospital and released. Joseph Allaire was detained for further treatment.

The car, which was demolished, had been travelling east. OPP Constables Kenneth Weekes and Vincent Price investigated.

—The Ottawa Journal, July 26, 1958. Pg. 1. (via newspapers.com).



Mrs. Lewis Joseph McCrea of Kearns, Ontario, announces the engagement of her daughter, Anna Patricia Hope, to Mr. Duncan Norman Morgan, son of Mrs. Thomas Drake and the late Mr. James Morgan, of Red Deer, Alberta. The wedding will take place October 12, 1963 at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Kearns.

—The Red Deer Advocate, October 8, 1963. Pg. 9. (via newspapers.com).



The Community Church, Port McNeill, was the scene of the marriage of Lenore Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Huggins and James Lewis McCrea, Trail, son of Mrs. Frances E. McCrea, Kearns, Ontario. Father Barrette officiated.

—The Vancouver Sun, February 27, 1965. Pg. 26. (via newspapers.com).


WEIR/RUSAK – Jeff and Mary are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Christina Katherine, 8 lb. 4-1/2 oz., born Mother's Day, May 9, 1993. Proud grandparents, Marion Weir, Sherbrooke, N.S. and Mike and Kata Rusak, Kearns, Ontario. Special thanks to family and friends for their love and support.

—The Ottawa Citizen, May 19, 1993. Pg. 41. (via newspapers.com).


McCREA, Frances Ethel (nee Hope) in hospital on Thursday, February 23, 1995, in her 91st year. Frances McCrea, a graduate of Ottawa Ladies College and Queens University (Commerce 1926), a long time resident (1940 to 1965) of Kearns Ontario, then moving to Ottawa in 1979. Beloved wife of the late Lewis McCrea. Loving mother of James Lewis McCrea (Leah) of Delta, B.C. and Hope Morgan (Duncan) of Hagenberg, B.C. Dear grandmother of Kimberly McCrea of Seattle, Washington, David McCrea of San Jose, Costa Rica, Marie Morgan of Tumbler Ridge, B.C., and Michael Morgan of Robson, B.C. and great-grandmother of Stephanie Morgan. Sister of Isabel Muir of Ottawa, and Marion Woodruff of Burlington, Ontario. A funeral service will be held in the chapel of the Tubman Funeral Home, Weslawn Chapel, 3440 Richmond Road, Nepean . . . .

—The Ottawa Citizen, February 24, 1995. Pg. 44. (via newspapers.com).


WALKER, Ken (James) On Saturday, December 14, 1996 Mr. Ken Walker of Cold Lake, Alberta passed away at the age of 61 years.

Ken leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, Diane Walker of Cold Lake, Alberta; one daughter, Katherie Jean (Avery) Ryhorchuk of Granum, Alberta; two sons, Clifton Ford of Cold Lake, Alberta, Chuck (Karen) Ford of Cold Lake, Alberta; one sister, Rosemary Walker of Calgary, Alberta; two brothers, Victor Walker of Kearns, Ontario, George Walker of Calgary, Alberta; seven grandchildren . . . . as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Kenneth was predeceased by his mother, Edna; step-father, Wildred Storm; two brothers, Oliver and Allan.

—The Edmonton Journal, December 16, 1996. Pg. 16. (via newspapers.com).

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