The teacher at far left is Jaan Lees and the teacher in the middle of the middle row is Mrs. Stratford.
Back row from left: Irene Zielinski, Robbie Owens, unknown, unknown, Terry Prest,
unknown, Gary Reynolds.
Middle row from left: Jaan Lees (teacher), Raymond Turcott, unknown, unknown,
Margaret Stratford, unknown, Zineta Isich, unknown, unknown.
Front row, 4th from left: Paul Edge. Others are unknown.
This is the official class list sent to me by
. Note that Paul Edge doesn't appear in it.
Teacher: Jaan Lees.
Allaire, John;
Begin, Guy;
Effengerger, Carol;
Engleking, Eileen;
Hodgins, Kevin;
Isich, Zineta;
Jensen, Chris;
Lauzon, Brenda;
Lauzon, Donald;
Owens, Robbie;
Prest, Terry;
Ramsay, Laurie;
Reynolds, Gary;
Rusak, Peter;
Sampson, Robert;
Sarapuk, Annie;
Shepherdson, Curtis;
Smith, Holly;
Turcott, Raymond;
Turner, Michael;
Vanalstine, Kim;
White, Marlene;
Woolner, Sherry;
Yerkie, Elaine;
Zielinski, Irene.
Many thanks to
for this photo.
Can you match the class list names to any faces?