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Virginiatown, Ontario :
Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's.

Violet Heard came to V-town from Haileybury about 1947, and married Max Michiel in 1948. At that time Max, who was originally from Latchford, had worked at the mine in the mill since 1939, leaving for his war service in the Canadian Navy and returning in 1946. He lived with his sister Mrs. Aileen Fulkerson and her husband Paul -- the Fulkerson children are featured in a number of photos on this website -- Madeline, Donna, Murray and Bill Fulkerson. Violet took pregnancy leave about 1950 and returned to teach in 1960 and continued until she retired.

Max and Violet Michiel lived at 60 Waite Avenue from about 1948 when the house was built, until they passed away a few years ago. The Fulkersons moved about 1958, first to Bancroft, then to Werner Lake in northwestern Ontario, following the new mines.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Max Michiel was in the RCN until his return to Kerr Addison in 1946. This would be about 1948 -- 60 Waite was probably just completed. The hull number on the model on the step beside him isn't clear enough to read, but it must be HMCS Snowberry, the corvette which Max served on during the war.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

This is an undated clipping from the Temiskaming Speaker (New Liskeard, Ontario) regarding Max Michiel's war experience:

NORTHERN MAN OPERATED GUN ON "SNOW­BERRY" -- A North Country man now serving with the Canadian naval forces, who worked in the Larder Lake area before he enlisted for active service and whose parents reside at North Cobalt, was on the Canadian corvette "Snowberry" when that vessel, with their sister ship "Calgary" and the British frigate "Nene", sank a German submarine recently in the Bay of Biscay.

The sailor is Maxwell Michiel, who operated a pom-pom gun on the "Snowberry", and who was mentioned by name in a special newspaper despatch from London telling of the exploit. The date of the action was not given, but the story said the submarine had been forced to the surface by depth charges and was finished off with gunfire. All three ships had a hand in her destruction, it was stated, but "Snowberry's" gunnery proved a deciding factor.

The first shot hit the sub's conning tower, the report read. Maxwell Michiel is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Michiel, formerly of Latchford, and in recent years living at North Cobalt. He was employed at the Kerr Addision Mine before joining up about a year ago. He has been at sea for several months and has made a number of trips across the North Atlantic, it is stated. No direct word has come from him since about Christmas, the Speaker was told by his brother-in-law.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Max and Violet with the kids on a family vacation about 1955. Max was from Latchford and Violet was from rural Haileybury. Holidays meant visiting their extended families in the Tritown area, now called Temiskaming Shores.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Pat Michiel with his protector Spot the dog. From the time Pat was brought home from Kirkland Lake hospital Spot the Dog, who belonged to the Carmichael's, took up the role of protector. The house was recently owned by Steve and Jackie Jeffery.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

McGarry Public School about 1948. Note that there are as yet no steps built onto the back of the school.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Max and Violet Michiel (with baby Pat) and their friend Ruth Rymer on the front steps of 60 Waite Avenue, about 1950.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Playing hockey in the back yard at 60 Waite Ave. about 1955. Dennis (left) and Patrick preparing to be NHL stars. Patrick says: "I loved Maurice Richard (No 9) and father Max hated them. He was a Leafs fan. "

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Pat Michiel (left) with Donald (centre) and Dougie Gauthier in the front yard at 60 Waite. The houses in the background are gone now. Billy Theriault was raised in the white house.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Pat Michiel with his tricycle, about 1954. Rick Larmonde's family lived in the house behind and Jack Weber's family lived in the house to the left of that.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Patrick Michiel at the Kerr Addison display at the Lion's trade show in the old McGarry Arena, about 1957.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Heading out grouse hunting, 1957: Pat with a single shot 22, Max with his 16 gauge double and Dennis with a Daisey BB Gun.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Birthday party, 1959.
Left to Right: Karen Richter, Dennis Michiel (face hidden), Patrick Michiel and Dougie Gauthier. Like most 1950's kids they built models in their spare time.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

This photo of Violet Michiel with a bull trout was taken about 1987 in Northern BC. All her life Violet was a keen fisher. For their honeymoon in 1948 Max and Violet went on a canoe trip to Animanipising Lake south of Latchford. At that time you had to portage in. They continued fishing there and camping well into their 80s.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

This is an old photo of Max and Violet with Dennis at 60 Waite Ave. Dennis Michiel got his PhD in biochemistry and works for the National Cancer Agency in Washington. His specialty is purifying new drugs for clinical trials.

Michiel Family photos, 1940's - 1960's

Violet Michiel's grandson D'Arcy Michiel water skiing on Bear Lake about 1996.

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