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Kirkland Lake, Ontario : Kirkland Lake Collegiate & Vocational Institute, 1973 Yearbook, "The Conglomerate".

Revised December 24, 2020.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Cover of the 1973 issue of The Conglomerate : See a full-size image.

This yearbook was kindly sent to me by for transcription.
Yearbook thumbnail image

Title page : See a full-size image.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 2 & 3 : See a full-size image.

Table Of Contents. Six photos and an ad for Eddie's Ice Cream Parlor. Nobody in the photos is identified but the girl at the bottom of Page 2 is Kerry Kennedy.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 4 & 5 : See a full-size image.

The President's Message and the Editor's Message. There are two photos; one of president Ray Mallette and one of the yearbook editor who didn't sign his name.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 6 & 7 : See a full-size image.

Photos of the vice-principals Mr. W. Beard and Mr. G. Hunt, and photo of and message from the principal, Mr. R.A. Mallette.
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Pages 10 & 11 : See a full-size image.

Scolarships and Bursaries. Names: Katharine Mann, Celeste Fitzgerald, Karen Doucet, Arthur Powell, Lee MacDougall, Eric Cousineau, Arthur Gutmanis, Donna St. Pierre, Judy Ann Hughes, Rhoda Maynard, John Halsall, Linda Killins, Doris Loranger, Joanne Rowlandson, Nancy McDonald, Laurie Bassett, Judy Rye, Francis McGonigal, Jane Parkhill, Dennis Perrier, Bill MacDougall, Lynell Haskins, Douglas Mann, Shirley Morrison, Lorraine Schofield, Cynthia Romak, Shirley Morrison, Donna Radul, Irene Drewniak, Bernadette Benoit, Charlotte Marshall, Celeste Fitzgerald, Shirley Morrison, Charlotte Marshall, Karen Sue, Suzanne Talbot, Andrew Condie, Katharine Mann, Donna Radul, Alain Messier, Elizabeth Raitanen, Janice Savoie, Brian Briscoe, Murielle Ross, Lynne Verrier, Alain Messier, Carmen Breton, Trudy Kirchmayer, Edward Prince, Claudette Lacroix, Debra Smylie, Alice Sasseville, Carmen Breton, Mary Niedzielski, Colette Lemire, Janice Savoie, Teresa Krawczyk, Maurice Cunningham, Alain Messier, Celine Jolette, Suxanne Mathieu, Brian Briscoe, William Fricker, Brian Briscoe, Marcel Riendeau, Roy Hums, James Rowan, Marcel Goyer, Andrew Condie.

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Pages 12 & 13 : See a full-size image.

Valedectorian, Katharine Mann; winner of the Judson Trophy, Celeste Fitzgerald; and winner of the Lions Club Award, Karen Doucet.
Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 14 & 15 : See a full-size image.

The girl in the large photo at the bottom of Page 14 is Linda Aru.

500 Student portraits. See an enlarged page. Names: Bedard, Paul; Connolly, Mary; Cright, Dianne; Decaire, Donald; Doucet, Karen; Dupuis, Doris; Flewelling, Brian; Greer, Earla; Hagerman, Keitha; Halsall, Mary-Ruth; Imiclinski, Christine; Kennedy, Kerry; King, Judy; Ladouceur, Linda; Letellier, Susan; Mallette, Raymond; Mangotich, Paula; Massi, Paul; McGill, William.

500 Student portraits continued. See an enlarged page. Names: Walsh, Brian; Webber, Donald; Royal, Nancy.

501 Student portraits. Names: Briscoe, Brian; Conrad, Anne; Crowther, Debbie; Daigle, Pierrette; Doyon, Richard; Gignac, Carmen; Gorman, Gail; Grzelak, Richard; Hopkins, Michael; Johnson, Margaret; Lacroix, Therese; Lamothe, Becky; Laven, Anne; Langlois, Karen; Malkovich, Vesna; Messier, Alain.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 16 & 17 : See a full-size image.

501 Student portraits continued. See an enlarged page. Names: Murphy, Debbie; O'Connor, Micheal; Parkes, Victoria; Peters, Rick; Reynolds, Deborah Sadam, Olev; Smith, Grant; Stevanovich, William; Van Clieaf Beverly; Watson, Dianne; Yakimchuk, Irene.

502 Student portraits. Names: Barie, Louise; Brooks, Veronica; Cameron, Richard; Contant, Gilbert; Costello, Nelson; Danis, Diane; Dinnen, Jean; Hogg, Catherine; Howard, Lynne; Krcel, Karen; Kurze, Richard; Langlois, Karen; Lecot, John; Lindholm, Hannelo; McDonald, Alan; Muck, Douglas; Nikitin, Irma; Paavola, John.

502 Student portraits continued. See an enlarged page. Names: Plouffe, David; Skawinski, Mary; Swanye, Al [corrected]; Waldron, Brian; West, Jane.

503 Student portraits. Names: Almas, Robert; Aru, Linda; Bougie, Michele; Brown, David; Caza, Gilles; Coates, Elaine; DeLenardo, Veronica; Gibson, Elizabeth; Gregorich, Martin; Hanlon, Joseph; Hudson, Colin; Johanson, Karen; Kiely, William; Lamothe, Janice; Lauzon, Deborah; Louko, Margaret; Marinigh, John; McKinnon, William; Miller, Gaye Lynn; Morin, Paulette; Paquette, Gaetan; Pervick, Peter; Pilon, Lorraine; Radual, Donna.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 18 & 19 : See a full-size image.

503 Student portraits continued. See an enlarged page. Names: Ross, Wayne; Seguin, Ernie; Smith, David; Sue, Karen; Valley, Sherry; White, Leanne; Zapora, Suzanne.

504 Student portraits. Names: Ackles, Scott; Angus, Sharon; Boisvert, Nicole; Bray, Edward; Cholewa, Pauline; Chornie, Nick; DeLenardo, Peter; Fey, Gordon; Fong, lan; Gill, George; Hillgren, Glenn; Jacko, Robert; Kiely, Barbara; Kotlarek, Lewis; Lang, Richard; McNamara, Peter; Prieur, Francine; Proulx, Michael; Romak, Robert; Rutherford, Chris; Smith, Michael; Stabryla, Kaye.

504 Student portraits continued. See an enlarged page. Names: Steele, Thomas; Stroz, Joseph; Webber, Terry; Wilson, Andrew.

505 Student portraits. Names: Aidelbaum, Steven; Barker, Douglas; Brace, Norman; Coates, Maureen; Cousineau. Eric; Danchuck, Matt; Deline, Richard; Farr, Micheal; Ferguson, Kenneth; Forbes, Laurie; Guilnette, Claire; Hanlon, Linda; Hannah, Steven; Kasner, Glenn; Kennedy, Douglas; King, Derek; Krachuck, Joanne; Labine, Michelle; Lutecki, Kazimierz; Medd, Steven; Moore, Deborah; Ohrling, Betty; Owens, Jennifer; Petrin, Lorrie; Preston, Mary Louise.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 20 & 21 : See a full-size image.

505 Student portraits continued. See enlarged photos. Names: Rochon, Mary-Lynne; Scarr, Ryan; Vivier, Ghislaine; Widdifield, Lawrence.

Predictions, favourite sayings, etc. Names: Aidielbaum, Steve; Aru, Linda; Barker, Doug; Brace, Norman; Brown, David; Cameron, Richard; Caza, Gilles; Coates, Elaine; Coates, Maureen; Cholewa, Pauline; Connolly, Mary; Contant, Gilbert; Danchuk, Matt; Deline, Richard; DeLenardo, Veronica; Dinnen, Jean; Doucet, Karen; Ferguson, Ken; Flewelling, Brian; Farr, Michael; Gibson, Elizabeth; Greer, Earla; Grzelak, Richard; Guilmette, Claire; Hagerman, Keitha; Halsall, Mary-Ruth; Hanlon, Joseph; Hanlon, Lynda; Hillgren, Glenn; Hopkins, Mike; Hudson, Colin; Jacko, Bob; Johanson, Karen.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 22 & 23 : See a full-size image.

Predictions, favourite sayings, etc. continued. Names: Kennedy, Doug; Kennedy, Kerry; King, Judy; Krachuk, Joanne; Krcel, Karen; Lauzon, Delorah; Lecot, John; Letellier, Susan; Lindnolm, Hannel; Louko, Margaret; Lutecki, Kaz; Mangotich (Magoo); McDonald, Alan; McKinnon, Billy; Miller, Gaye Lynn; Morin, Paulette; Muck, Doug; Murphy, Debbie; Nadeau, Daniel; Nikitin, Irma; Ohrling, Betty; Petrin, Lorrie; Pilon, Lorraine; Prieur, Francine; Rochon, Mary-lynne; Radul, Donna; Raitanen, Liz; Ross, Wayne; Scarr, Ryan; Sinclair, Sylvia; Skawinski, Mary; Smith, Dave; Soucie, Lori; Sue, Karen; Swayne, Allen; Tilley, Kathryn; Valley, Sherry; Vivier, Ghislain; Waldron, Brian; Webber, Don.

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Page 24 : See a full-size image.

Predictions, favourite sayings, etc. continued. See enlarged photo section. Names: West, Jane; White, Leanne; Widdifield, Larry; Wilson, Andrew; Zapora, Suzanne.

Assorted fun photos. Names supplied by Kim Bishop: Barrett, Desjarins, Gutmanis, Tilley.

Page 25 starts the Seniors' section and is a page of generic artwork.
Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 26 & 27 : See a full-size image.

400 Student portraits. See enlarged page. Names: Armstrong, Lundy; Ball, Brian; Brook, Sharon; Forcellini, Lorraine; Fortin, Sue; Gagne, Nicole; Gamarche, Nicole; Guerard, Dyane; Hodgins, Tom; Hodgins, Wayne; Laronde, Anna; Lingenfelter, Debby; McKnight, Andy; Montague, Lorrie; Pietrasik, Sonia; Robazza, Jerry; Rocheleau, Linda; Skalecki, Stanley; Smith, Dianne.

401 Student portraits. Names: Allard, Mae; Asselin, Andre; Beaupre, Diane; Boone, Glynis; Cameron, Roberta; Daoust, Judy; Green, Melva; Haase, Kathleen; Jadot, Paul; Kelly, Cindy; McEwen, Janet; McKinnon, Lori; Morissette, Nicole; Nicholle, Debra; Pascoe, Catherine; Perreault, Jeannina; Pitt, Crystal; Pugri, Krista; Wagner, Judy; Welch, Debra.

402 Student portraits. See enlarged page. Names: Blanchfield, Mike; Blatchford, Mike; Burns, Carson; Charbonneau, Yvon; Chatillon, John; Cote, Robert; Daigle, John; Jacques, Jacinthe; Kitaj, Joseph; Maclntyre, Cameron; MacLeod, Philip; Marshall, Debbie; McDonald, Laurie; McPhee, Brenda; Nychuk, Richard; Poulin, Rick; Robinson, Gary; Smith, Leslie; Stoltz, Don; Sylvester, Jane; Valentini, Robert.

403 Student portraits. Names: Armstrong, John; Baker, Leonard; Belfbrd, William; Cecol, Marlene; Czuis, Susan; Daina, Helen; Deveau, Robert; Dupuis, Normand; Francoeur, Wardy; Hamden, Norma; Howey, Joanne; Jackson, Bruce; Lafrance, Joan; Mack, Jim; Martel, Linda; Paquette, Denise; Salmon, Steven; Sweet, Lee; Vaillont, Helene.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 28 & 29 : See a full-size image.

404 Student portraits. See enlarged page. Names: Boileau, Larry; Caldwell, Alan; Decaire, Paul; Duncan, Joanne; Eady, Kim; Gibson, Merina; Goulet, Maurice; Harvey, Diane; Hodgins, Tim; Kivamaki, Roy; Kulas, William; Lalonde, Derek; Mitchell, Dennis; O'Connor, Patrick; Oehring, Susan; Reed, Emmaline; Robazza, Lino; Spadetto, Gabriella; St Pierre, Louis.

404 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Turner, Joyce; Watson, Joanne; Wilson, Elizabeth.

405 Student portraits. Names: Angelicchio, Geraldine; Bagyan, Suzanne; Byberg, Sue; Chaylt, Debbie; Forbes, Gary; Harney, Colleen; Hong, Jane; Jarv, Jack; Kalinowski, Barbara; Kirchmayer, Trudy; Lachapelle, Tony; Lawrence, Cynthia; Marshall, Barbara; Martineau, Miles; McLaughlin, Charles; Meagher, Elaine; Pegler, Susan; Perron, Sheila; Plourde, David; Robin, Nicole; Rouse, William; Simpson, Janet; Stevens, Marion; Wesley, Joe; Widdifield, Nancy; Woonam, Katrina.

406 Student portraits. Names: Alexis, Terry; Barrett, Nancy; Ceccol, Diane; Davis, Wayne; Dionne, Madeleine; Dusharm, David; Flood, Dorothy; Grover, Tom; Havrot, Barbara; Horne, Robert; Hyatt, April.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 30 & 31 : See a full-size image.

406 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Kemp, Ken; Lavallee, Derrick; Miller, Bob; Nelson, Lori; Prescott, Julie; Price, Robert; Rosicki, Judy; Rozon, Louise; West, Chuck; Zulpo, Mary.

407 Student portraits. Names: Anderson, Mike; Cheszczyk, Gordon; Czuba, John; Desjardins, Lorraine; Hanson, Valerie; Lafreniere, Annette; Lapierre, Viviane; Levinski, Jeff; Manseau, Nicole; McGibbon, Theresa; McPherson, Mary; Messier, Diane; Milinkovich, Maria; Pervik, Karen; Quevillon, Clarice; Roberge, Paulette; Wheeldon, Gerry.

408 Student portraits. Names: Basile, Joe; Brissette, Myrna; Carolan, Ray; Chartrand, Denis; Chase, Joyce; Colangeli, John; Daigle, Gerry; Fedora, Jim; Fournel, Pauline; Gauthier, Jeannine; Gelinas, Micheline; Irvine, Cheryl; Jolette, Celyne.

408 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Madill, Irene; Maille, Louise; Moses, Beverly; O'Connor, Frances; Osuch, Michael; Piovesan, Wilma; Romak, Dennis; Schell, Debbie; Smith, Mark; Spinato, Frank; Taylor, Joanne; Trahan, Eva; Wilberforce, Debbie; Wilson, Percy; Yergeau, John.

409 Student portraits. Names: Adams, Carol; Alarie, Gilles; Angus, Arlene; Bradt, Larry; Campbell, Art; Cousineau, Paul; Deighton, Lee; Emms, Stan; Faragher, Lynn; Hong, Robert; Kalinowski, Bob; Lamarche, James; MacIntyre, John; Mandl, Bruno; Matteau, Aline; Piekarz, John; Rogers, Susan; Seguin, Rachelle; Vermette, Frances; Vigneault, Denis; Yaskiev, Beverly; Zapora, Mark.

412 Student portraits. Names: James, Gary; Lamarche, Normand; Sakula, Michael.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 32 & 33 : See a full-size image.

412 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Sobush, Larry.

413 Student portraits. Names: Hill, Murray; MiGill, Clifford; Porteous, Paul.

414 Student portraits. Names: Gasper, Craig; Maclntyre, Doug; Parker, Brian; Pelletier, Claude.

415 Student portraits. Names: Biggs, Doug; Chaylt, Joseph; Davis Joe; Johanson, Fred; Kirby, Brian; Lafleche, Ray; Lynch, Wayne; MacKinnon, John; Nelson, Wayne; Polson, Clifton; Seal William; Smith, Doug.

416 Student portraits. Names: Carlson, Eldon; Lind, Terry; Massicotte, Terry; Morin, Robert.

417 Student portraits. Names: Blais, David; Floyd, Wayne; Langlois, John; McFarlane, Lindsay; Melong, Henry.

418 Student portraits. Names: Carre, Rheal; Labrecque, Peter; Rae, Tom.

"Words From The Students". Names: Adams, Carol; Allard, Fleur de Mae; Bigelow, Judy; Boone, Glenis; Brissette, Myrna; Carlson, Eldon J.; Davis, Joe; Davreux, Lynn; Decaire, Paul; Dupuis, Normand M.; Forcellini, Lorraine; Fournel, Pauline; Hamden, Norma; Jackson, Bruce; Johanson, Fred; Lind, Terry; Lafleche, Ray; Derek Lalonde; Langlois, John; Langton, Janice; Lemelin, Francine; MacKinnon, John.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 34 & 35 : See a full-size image.

"Words From The Students" continued. Names: Marshall, Barbara; Martel, Linda; Massicotte, Terry; Matteau, Aline; Meagher, Elayne; McKinnon, Lori; Morissette, Nicole; Montague, Lorrie; Morin, Robert; Nash, Betty Ann; Oehring, Sue; Palaszewski, Walter; Paquette, Denise; Piekarz, John; Perron, Sheila; Rocheleau, Linda; Salmon, Steve; Smith, Doug; Turner, Joyce; Vaillant, Helene-Louise; Wilson, Percy; Woosman, Katrina.

300 Student portraits. See enlarged page. Names: Baker, Barbara; Banister, Clive; Boone, Mark; Brown, Augusta; Cameron, Shawn; Duval, Maurice; Gosselin, Carmen; Heikhila, Hugh; Keith, John; Lee, Theresa; Levac, Wayne; Milligan, Rodney; Morin, Richard; Owens, Tommy; Palmateer, Mario; Patterson, Andy; St. Amand, Carol; Trumble, Diane; Young, Ruth.

301 Student portraits. Names: Arsenault, Patricia; Castonguay, Nicole; Coulter, John; Davis, Trevor; Denner, Elizabeth; Freitag, Debbie; Gonthier, Ginette; Joseph, Lorraine; Kubik, Jane; Lafrance, Fobert; Larkman, Jacqueline; Larose, Bernard; Little, Brenda; Naylor, James; Nixon, Stephen; Scott, Danny; Smith, Evelyn; Smith, Jack; Stanwick, Peggy; Turcotte, Annette.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 36 & 37 : See a full-size image.

302 Student portraits. See enlarged page. Names: Acton, Rick; Benoit, Bernie; Brown, Barry; Brown, Delbert; Cregg, Ken; Dinnen, Marjorie; Edwardson, Mike; Ferguson, Maureen; Greer, Roger; Wickens, Eric.

303 Student portraits. Names: Gladu, Karen; Grenon, Richard; Krcel, Kurt; Lamar, Paul; Larose, Michel; Leclere, Rick; Leduc, Yvonne; Letourneau, Lucie; MacDonald, Faye; Mackenzie, Donald; Manuel, Rick; Mavrinac, Mary Anne; Meagher, Elizabeth; Ouellet, Lise; Rozon, Joseph; Tucker, Deborah.

304 Student portraits. Names: Bigelow, Cathie; Bouchard, Joanne; Burns, Josephine; Burns, Ruth; Costello, Elizabeth; Fraser, Lise; Gilmour, Lana; Joy, Larry; Koski, Susan; Lacasse, Denise; Lagace, Danielle; Manuel, Gail; McDougall, Judy.

304 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Milford, Mary; Morrissette, Aime; Murray, Keith; O'Bradovich, Mark; Pakalnis, Kimas; Poirier, Jeanne; Poirier, Raymond; Proulx, Robert; Ramsay, Patti; Rowan, Kathaleen; Thomas, Deryl; Wilson, Joy.

305 Student portraits. Names: Baker Colleen; Burr, Rod; Desjardins, Gail; Harney, Debra; Kelly, Betty; Leonard, Kathleen; Lively, Donald; Parrington, Brenda; Radul, Janet; Rae, Garry; Roy, Marie; Sancartier, Rachel; Schuessler, Peter; Smith, Lois; Thompson, Alice; Vernon, Blaine; Watson, Charlane; Welch, Frances; Williams, Rhonda; Wright, David; Young, Ardene.

306 Student portraits. Names: Aldred, Cynthia; Bougie, Steven; Campbell, David; Carpentier, Lou; Desjardins, Marc; Emms, Donald; Fagan, Colleen.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 38 & 39 : See a full-size image.

306 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Gaudette, Solange; Green, Bonnie; Jackson, David; Lalonde, Carol; Laroque, Lynn; Lauzon, Sue; Leclerc, Dwight; Mangotich, Carla; McLaughlin, Pat; McLeod, Julie; Morin, Mario; Olmstead, Wendy; Read, Ken; Rozon, Jan; St. Cyr, Floyd; Stewart, Janice; Thomas, Rob; Wilson, Karen.

307 Student portraits. Names: Belecque, Annette; Bennetts, Brian; Callin, Laurie; Danilovich, Kim; Dickson, Anne; Drago, Rita; Goodman, Chris; Hopiavuori, Cindy; James, Doug.

307 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Maclntyre, Brenda; Merrick, Rita; Mino, Michel; Nychuk, Linda; Phippen, Danyl; Plouffe, John; Poan, Cathy; Sandrin, Barbara; Sipprell, George; Smith, Donna; Van Clieaf, Karen; Webber, Gerry; West, Don; Wojtus, Doris.

308 Student portraits. Names: Allick, Jed; Best, Valerie; Boucher, Monique; Carreau, Suzanne; Cunningham, Mike; Davreaux, Bev; Desrochers, Pat; Gibson, Chuck; Harvey, Jocelyne; Horseman, Hazel; Joseph, Diane; Kilian, Charlene; Lessard, Jean-Pierre; Madill, Brian; Mayhew, Karen; Malloy, Francine; Pearson, Joanne; Peters, Wendy; Provost, Pat; Rae, John; Rocheleau, Joclyne; Selbie, Heather; Skalecki, Pat; Smith, Gerry; Timmins, Kathryn; Turcotte, Danielle; Veruvere, Sandy.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 40 & 41 : See a full-size image.

308 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Name: Wilson, Debbie.

309 Student portraits. Names: Blais, Randy; Bucsis, Karen; Cashaback, Jo-Anne; Comish, Wendy; Danbrook, Debbie; Delenardo, Mitchell; Duff, Judy; Fillion, Madeleine; Gillespie, Barbara; Hanson, Sharon; Ivanov, Alex; Janes, Kelly; King, Tyler; Larivee, Laurie; Martel, Dennis; Mclnnes, Sandra; Mino, Norman; Ohrling, Karen; Pennell, Judy; Pindor, Lynn.

309 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Rye, Janet; Salmon, Mark; Smith, Gerry; Thielan, Pat; Tomac, Carole; Volpato, Lui; Zapora, Frank.

310 Student portraits. Names: Anderson, Carmen; Bortot, Peter; Bustraen, Randy; Carpentier, Cathy; Cecol, Mary; Czestiakow, Sharon; Dinnen, Bob; Elliot, Eleanor; Flaxey, Michael; Gryska, Theresa; Hopkins, Roseann; Jones, Jo-Ann; Kinney, Iris; Lamothe, Valerie; Larocque, Tony; Massi, Peter; McDonald, Terri; Oliver, Brian; Perrier, Lynn; Plaunt, Myles; Potter, Jane; Saley, Sam; Sandrin, Marina; Smith, Debbie; Tait, John; Thurston, Bonnie; Twa, Wendy; Valley, Irvina; Vukovic, Susan.

311 Student portraits. Names: Brooks, Cleo; Connolly, Cathy; Demers, Louise; Duscharme, Dan.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 42 & 43 : See a full-size image.

311 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Eckford, Gordon; Fagan, Darlene; Fournel, Cecile; French, Michael; Glembus, Gary; Leclair, Debbie; Letellier, Theodore; Mallette, Chris; Melong, Darlene; Pocock, Dave; Pugliese, Ralph; Retty, Neil; Reynolds, Sheila; Robert, Laurian; Rochon, Mark; St. Jarre, Corine; Stanwick, Dave; Surtees, Lynda; Wallsten, Paul.

312 Student portraits. Names: Allen, Barry; Duggan, Shawn; Hardisty, Norman; Kowbassa, Victor; McKnight, Terry; Twigg, Terry; Wojtus, Roland; Young, Blaine.

313 Student portraits. Names: Dumas, Alex; MacDonald, Andy.

314 Student portraits. Names: Kalinowski, Rick; McLean, Gary; Roy, Robert; Tucker, Dennis.

315 Student portraits. Names: Bedard, Marc; Ford, John; Lautaoja, Don; Makos, Daniel; McCallum, Ken.

315 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: McDougall, Tom; Parrington, Gary.

316 Student portraits. Names: Bolger, Danny; Hansen, Jack; MacKinnon, Gerry; Paul-Martin, Andy; Prest, Fred; Stanwick, John.

317 Student portraits. Names: Dusharm, Don; Goulden, Ron; Johanson, David; Lafleche, Michael; McLenaghan, Jim; Meroko, Marcel.

318 Student portraits. Names: Barrette, Danny; Veinot, Donald; Ziolkowski, Jan.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 46 & 47 : See a full-size image.

200 Student portraits. See enlarged page. Surnames only were published for the junior students. Names: Betti; Burns; Burton; Chamberlain; Cormier; Desjardins; Farrell; Frappier; Judd; Karas; McBride; Morrisette; Tennant; Tickner; Wheesk.

201 Student portraits. Names: Alexandre; Armstrong; Bertin; Bester; Boone; Chodoriwsky; Grey; Hong; Lacroix; Naylor; Perry; Stewart; Thiverge; Thompson.

202 Student portraits. Names: Allen; Barrett; Bertin; Bigelow; Cayen; Conway; Duchene; Dzambic; Gerrior; Grant; Harkin; Harvey; Huston; Jacques; Ladouceur; Lee; Legault; Levinski; MacDonald; Malone; Masko; Selbie; Teeple; Wilson, B.; Wilson, P.

203 Student portraits. Names: Berry; Boone; Butterfly; Cannon; Charette.

203 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Cote; Dudgeon; Fournier; Gauvin; Labbe; Landers; Lind; MacMillan; McRae; Pare; Pennell; Porrier; Roy; Scott; Smith; Trudel.

204 Student portraits. Names: Blanchard; Deluncy; Desgagnes; Dumas; Gravelle; Harrington; Jack; Jargiello; Limoges; Martyn; Plouffe; Spadetto.

205 Student portraits. Names: Camp; Carreau; Dorsey; Downey; Dupont; French; Kelly; King; Laflamme; Lazoryshak; Luke; Main; Martineau; Mattson; McLean; Nixon; Peitrasik; Rodger; Ruzik; Sasseville; Schram; Taillon; Young.

206 Student portraits. Names: Bain; Bellehumeur; Bennetts; Cameron; Clements; Dallan; Downey; Forcellini; Fortin.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 48 & 49 : See a full-size image.

206 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: French; Gauthier; Gratton; Justyna; Kant; Kelly; Killins; Lessard; MacLeod; McEwan; O'Connor; Pullen; Rae; Rodgers; Sancartier; Webber.

207 Student portraits. Names: Clement; Danis; Durand; Freitag; French; Gauthier; James; Laronde; Leppinen; L'Heureux; Lippett; Lutecki; Messier; Millen; Moore; Nash; Scott; Stormont; Trobridge; Vachon; Vojan; Wiliczko.

208 Student portraits. Names: Barker; Carre; Dumas; Fournier; French.

208 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Godin; Goyer; Judd; Lang; MacDonald; Malciw; Marrin; Marshall; Messier; Mongrain; Mravinac; Roy; Savarie; Smylie; Stormont; Truchon.

209 Student portraits. Names: Barker; Burtschenko; Chalyt; Daigle, C.; Daigle, P.; Deering; Gavin; Girbig; Gorman; Goulet; Grzelak; Jadot; Jordan; Kirchmayer; Last; Luke; MacDougall; Milligan; Moses; Peters; Plouffe; Romak; Saindon; Waldron; Walker.

210 Student portraits. Names: Baril; Britt; Lively; Lowe; McDowell; McLaughlin; McNaughton; Milford; Nadon; Peters; Schpitzer.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 50 & 51 : See a full-size image.

210 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Scott; Sorochan; St. Jean; Stransky.

211 Student portraits. Names: Aaviku; Audette; Bordin; Brown; Champoux; Cormier; Cote; Delean; Dutrisac; Eastman; Fiset; Gregory; Hodgins; Johns; Lance; Larocque; Lloyd; Marinigh; Melong; Mitchell; Nixon; Parkhill; Randmaa; Sheppard; Tardiff; Veinot; Wasnick.

212 Student portraits. Names: Allemano; Amendola; Ames; Borecki; Brawley; Cecol; Charbonneau; Chatillion; Chodoriwsky; Crawford; Crouch; Farr; Hagarmen; Joe; Langlois; Lautroja; Malone; McDougall; Montague; Parker; Patterson; Rado; Revenboer; Stockman; Szalaijko; Telfer; Vachon; West; Young.

213 Student portraits. See enlarged page. Names: Antoniazzi; Bleau; Boucher; Campbell; Chartrand; Cote; Curtis; Draper; Fitzgerald; Fournier; Hogg; Hopkins; Hume; Lamothe; Lappierre; Leclair; Louie; Malone; Mandl; Provost; Robin; Seguin; Sourial; St. Georges; Turbide; Wein.

214 Student portraits. Names: Whittle; Bezkorowajnyj; Campbell; Carreau; Daoust; Emms; Fedora; Fournier.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 52 & 53 : See a full-size image.

214 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Gendron; Hughes; Kivimaki; Kostecki; Labine, K.; Labine, R.; Ladouceur; Lamarche; Limoges; Lindholm; Lingenfelter; Mason; Morris; Nemis; O'Conner; Royal; Smith; Taylor; Warren.

215 Student portraits. Names: Armstrong; Bird; Bradley; Brook; Bustrean; Chaddock; Charles; Cloutier; Cook; English; Hanlon; Howey; Keith; Kelley; Kostun; Lessard; Malkovich; Morris; Mullvihill; Nelson; Rosko; Roy; Stoughton; Swanson; Whelan.

Assorted Photos. See enlarged page. Top left (closest to the class photos) are Marj Dinnen and Deb Frietag. Top right are Carole Tomac and Mary Anne Mavrinac.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 54 & 55 : See a full-size image.

"Winter Carnival '72". Names: Bigelow, Jackson, Kennedy, Lalonde, Paquette, St. Pierre, Stevanovich, West.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 56 & 57 : See a full-size image.

100 Student portraits. See enlarged page. Names: Arseneault; Beaudry; Bellefeuille; Bertin; Berute; Boutin; Bowerman; Burr; Caya; Cox; Desjardins; Dobratz; Lachapelle; Lahman; Langill; Larcher; Lee; Schram; Siebert; Simpson; Snell; Surtees; Townsend; Young.

101 Student portraits. Names: Boone; Boucher; Charron; Cossette; Costello; Galarneau, J.; Galarneau, R.; Lambert, D.; Lambert, R.; MacKewan; Pullen; Savarie; Schell; Simpson; Truchon; Warren.

102 Student portraits. Names: Ames; Bates; Boire; Bradt; Carpentier; Charlton; Clarke; Clement; Dallan; English; Gillett; Horseman; Hunt; Keith; Kemp; Kidd; King; Larocque; Mathers; Righton.

102 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Roy; Snell; Vincent.

103 Student portraits. Names: Allaire; Allen, C.; Allen, R.; Beaudry; Berube; Borecki; Breton; Brookes; Butlin; Condie; Edwardson; Gagne; Gameau; Harvey; Kwieciarz; Letourneau, D.; Letourneau, N.; Maille; Mclntyre; Morrissette; Plaunt; Polson; Sheldon; Veinot; Clark.

104 Student portraits. Names: Fox; Gasper; Hartley; Hodgins; Kirchmayer; Larocque; MacFarlane; McFarlane; McLean; Medd; Merrick; Merrick; Midstakoyeon; Naylor; Owsiaki; Pilon; Potter; Robichaud; Smith; Woods; Wright.

105 Student portraits. Names: Burdick; Caya; Caza; Lindholm; Ludwick; MacDonald; MacKenzie; MacKinnon; MacLeod; McCombe; Neimi.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 58 & 59 : See a full-size image.

105 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Pascoe; Petrin; Pullen; Rae; Righton; Sazer; Stennet; Swanson; Sylvester; Twigg; Watson.

106 Student portraits. Names: Armstrong; Baker; Culhane; Daoust, C.; Daoust, R.; Godmaire; Gray; Gutmanis; Jenson; Laframboise; Masching; Molotkin; Moses; Ricker; Sacher; Spack, B.; Spack, M.; Sue; Teal; Teeple, D.; Teeple, R.; Tiedtke; Vaudry; Vosdingh; Yakimchuck.

107 Student portraits. Names: Clement; D'Andrea; Gladu; Harney; Jadot; Kiazyk; Kurowski; Lavack; Maclntyre; Malone; Mandeville; Marshall; McConnell; Maginnis; Minard; Proulx; Souriol; Swiergoss; Trumble.

108 Student portraits. Names: Alexandre; Bates; Hamilton; Kosy; Labine.

108 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Lazoryshak; O'Grady; Prest; Proulx; Regimbal; Rivard; Rosicki; Sandrin; Scott; Smaill; Sorochan; Sparling; St. Cyr; Trottier; Whelan; Wojtus.

109 Student portraits. Names: Backstom; Brown; Burnes; Colquhoun; Downes; Ferguson; Fong; Hong, R.; Hong, W.; Hunter; James; Knutson; Peever; Smith; Vernon, C.; Vernon, L.; Webster; White.

110 Student portraits. Names: Begin; Boucher, A.; Boucher, Y.; Clouthier; Desgagnes; Dorval; Francoeur, C.; Francoeur, D.; Lemire; Mailloux; Mclver; Piovesan.

111 Student portraits. Names: Armstrong; Beaudry; Blom; Brown; Collins; Corak; Hamilton; Hill; Hogg; Hong; King; Last; Lew; Malette.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 60 & 61 : See a full-size image.

111 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: McBain; Polyblank; Porter; Purney; Rankin; Roy; Smith; Snowdon; Tiallon; Timmins; Wuorinen.

112 Student portraits. Names: Bowman; Cotterman; Doast; Degruyter; Dunne; Eilerts; Forget; Frietag; Hannah; Laroque; Madill; Martilla; Matt; McDowell; McKenzie; Paavola; Ramsey; Riche; Young.

113 Student portraits. Names: Boone; Chilzyck; Dool; Greer; Hanson; Harney; Hunter; Kelly; Lalonde, D.; Lalonde, R.; Leclerc; Luke; MacMallon; Matt; Oviatt; Smith; Wilson; Young, D.; Young, L.; Taillon; Whitney.

114 Student portraits. Names: Bigelow; Blais; Brisson; Carreau; Charette; Dzuba; Delanardo; Desjardins; Dusharm.

114 Student portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Gibbons; Gratton; Labrecque; Morneault; Nadeau; Normand; Siford; St. Amand.

115 Student portraits. Names: Boucher; Cameron; Charette; Chartrand; Cright; Dionne; Dube; Gannon; Gravelle; Guerten; Johanson; Lacroix; Lamarche; Legault; McDonald; Morin; Ovellette; Robert; Rowlandson; Roy; St. Amand; Spooner; Vaillancourt; Young.

116 Student portraits. Names: Blais; Cashaback; Crites; Cummings; Daigle; Fournier; Gannon; Konikowski; Legault; Mantha; Messier; O'Connor; Pindor; Seguin; Tardif.

117 Student portraits. Names: Adams; Bigelow; Britt; Gardiner; Loach; Marshall; McKinnon; Parker; Pegler; Potter; Sauve; Smith; St. Jean.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 62 & 63 : See a full-size image.

Assorted student photos. "Summer" section page.
The person on the back of the motorcycle on Page 63 is Joanne Krachuk.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 64 & 65 : See a full-size image.

Senior Cheerleaders, photos & profiles. See enlarged page. Names: Joce Harvey; Denise Lacasse; Barbara Gillespie; Carole Tomac; Marj Dinnen; Lori Muck; Kathryn Tilley; Dianne Watson.

Junior Cheerleaders, photos & profiles. See enlarged page. Names: Nora Cecol; Beata Konikowski; Patsy Daoust; Vicky Wilberforce; Madeleine Souriol; Lise Legault; Cindy St. Jean; Francine Romak.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 66 & 67 : See a full-size image.

Powder Puff Football. Names: Debbie Freitag, Lee MacDougall, Chris Royal, Louis St. Pierre, Chuck West.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 68 & 69 : See a full-size image.

Wrestling team, assorted photos. No names.

Wrestling team, group photo See enlarged page. Names: Ivan Leduc; Paul Legeaut; Laurian Robert; Yvon Begin; Marc Bedard; Marc Smith; Ralph Pugliese; John Rae; Mario Begin; Mr. Doner; John Leico; John Gauvin; Bob Campbell; Tom Hodgins; Dave Smith.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 70 & 71 : See a full-size image.

Weight training club, three photos. See enlarged page. Names: Jack Smith; Jack Jaarv; Brian Briscoe.

Drum Majorettes, group photo See enlarged page. Names: Pierrette Daigle; Diane Joseph; Lorraine Pilon; Aline Matteau; Michelle St. Georges; Mary Skawinski; Judy Bigelow; Karen Krcel; Gaye Lynn Miller; Vicky Parkes; Louise Young; Lorrie Petrin; Irene Yakimchuk; Pauline Morin; Colleen Greer.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 72 & 73 : See a full-size image.

Miss Senior Red Devilette. See enlarged page. Names: Julie Prescott; Mary Skawinski; Shelley Taillon; Joanne Watson, Cathy Hogg.

Miss Junior Red Devilette. See enlarged page. Names: Rebecca Kosy; Beata Konikowski; Lynn Coulombe; Lorna Moore.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 74 & 75 : See a full-size image.

Boys' Basketball, three photos. See enlarged page. No names.

Senior Boys' Basketball, group photo. See enlarged group photo. Names: Alain Fournier; Richard Plaunt; Tom Steele; Wayne Ross; Joe Stroz; Peter Batot; Marcel Lessard; Steven Medd; Rick Barker; Eric Cousineau; Dave Brown; Rick Danis.

Junior Boys' Basketball, team list. Names: Andy Riendeau; Bob Chaddock; Tim Hodgins; Ted Hodgins; Gordon White; Brian Mulvihill; Don Langlois; Pat O'Connor; Ron Hong; Brian Madill; John Yergeau; Renzo Rado; Kay Paavola; Gary Forbes; Richard Campbell; Mike Blanchfield.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 76 & 77 : See a full-size image.

Assorted photos. No names.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 78 & 79 : See a full-size image.

Student-Teacher Hockey. No names.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 80 & 81 : See a full-size image.

Assorted photos. No names given, but top photo, with glasses, is William Rouse.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 82 & 83 : See a full-size image.

Senior Boys' Football, group photo. See enlarged group photo. Names: Laurent Guertin; David Johanson; Craig Gasper; Thomas Owens; John Lecot; Donald Webber; Richard Kurze; Robert D'Andrea; Ron Breen; Robert Price; Tom McDougall; Jerry Robazza; Mike Desjardins; Bob Turcotte; Stan Skalecki; Zenko Kymta; Brian Flewelling; Marc Desjardins; Jack Smith; Brian Walsh; Ivan Merrick; Mr. Sinclair; Mr. Gusba; John Trussler; Dennis Dumas; Joseph Davis; John Piekarz; Jack Jaarv; Lonny Kurze; Ted Kubik; Dennis Gratton; Lou Plouffe.

Assorted photos. See enlarged page. No names.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 84 & 85 : See a full-size image.

Senior Girls' Basketball, group photo. See enlarged page. Names: Donna Smith; Cecile Fournel; Diana Ceccol; Leanne White; Marg Louko; Danielle Turcotte; Nancy Barrett; Emmalene Reed; Barbara Havrot; Paula Mangotich; Carla Mangotich; Mrs. Ledlow.

Junior Girls' Basketball, group photo. Names: Theresa Gannon; Wendy Olmstead; Lois Smith; Mary Ann Mavrinac; Jo-Anne Cashaback; Carolle Allaire; Anita Radma; Cathy Scott; Lorna Moore; Darlene Barker; Judy Malone; Louise Demers; Mrs. Monette; Linda Ladouceur.

Assorted Girls' Basketball photos. See enlarged page. No names.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 86 & 87 : See a full-size image.

"A Foot In Cold Water".

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 88 & 89 : See a full-size image.

"Miss '72-'73". Winner of this honour was Chris Mallette, the principal's son.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 90 & 91 : See a full-size image.

Student Council, two group photos. See enlarged page. Names: Colleen Harney; Jean Dinnen; Raymond Mallette; Nancy Barrett; Pierrette Daigle; Linda Aru; Leanne White; Karen Krcel; Darrell Croxall; Mary Lynn Rochon; Lee MacDougall; Jane West. Chris Mallette; Sybil House.

Recreational Ski Club, group photo. See enlarged page. Names: Laura Smith; Cindy Kirchmayer; Lynn Pindor; Suzanne Smith; Mr. D. Smith; Dave Smith; Dave Scott; Helen Daina; Brian Morris; John Hamilton.

"Sno-Snakes", group photo. Names: Gerard Bleau; Lois Smith; Karen Krcel; Brenda Brown; Helen Daina; Mike O'Connor; Kurt Krcel; Stephen Aidelbaum; Mike Cunningham; Andrew Wilson; Tom Clements; Blaine Bird; Brian Waldron.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 92 & 93 : See a full-size image.

Chess Club, group photo + two others. See enlarged page. Names: Paul Lamor; Tim Hodgins; Rick Ouellette; L. Piosovane; P. Brissons; P. Chartrand; C. Normard; P. Cright; E. Matteau; R. Pakalnis.

Geography Club, group photo. See enlarged page. Names: Mr. Conway; Brian Oliver; Mr. Stratford; Rimas Pakalnis; Jack Ford.

Spanish Club, group photo. Names: Doug James; Donna Smith; Miss McCrimmon; Micheline Gelinas; Dannielle Lagace; Lynn Penier; John Daigle; Cindy Telfer; Diane Messier; Lorraine Desjardins; Jeannine Perreault.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 94 & 95 : See a full-size image.

Film Making Club, two photos See enlarged page. Names: Lonnie Larivee; Debbie O'Grady; Radmilla Malkovich; Micheal Kemp; Micheal Osuch; Bruno Mandl; Mr. C. Wallsten.

Bowling Club, group photo. See enlarged page. Names: Charlene Kilian; Wendy Comish; Cathy Connolly; Judy James; Linda Rocheleau; Cindy Whittle; Lori Gavin; Mr. McInall; Mr. Disano; Mr. Scott; Blair Horseman; Miles Corak; Paul Lamar.

Science Club, group photo. Names: Carol Duplain; Cathy Snell; Chris Fournier; Mr. Davies; Peter Snell; John Revinboer; Justin Schmidt; Jack Ford; Mr. Puppa.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 96 & 97 : See a full-size image.

Girls' Curling, group photo. See enlarged page. Names: Valerie Hanson; Lorrie Petrin; Darlene Melong; Gaye Lynn Miller.

Student Staff Communications, group photo. Names: Mr. McLean; Mr. Cooper; Mr. Morris; Paul Wallsten; Dave Plouffe; Richard Grzlack; Brenda Brown; Nancy Widdifield; Pauline Laroque; Robert Cashaback.

Assorted photos. See enlarged page. No names.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 98 & 99 : See a full-size image.

Assorted Curling photos. See enlarged page. No names.

Curling Club, group photo + another. See enlarged page. Names: George Dunne; Rob McBean; Rimas Pakalnis; Peter Massi; Brian MacDonald; Paul Polyblank; Bob Dinnen; Daniel Lowe; Victor Burtschenko; Rick Lang; Doug Kennedy; Lino Robazza; Dwight Martyn; David Melong; Stan Skalecki; Ray Carolan; Glen Hillgren; Daniel Roy; Brian Oliver; Bernie Benoit; Mr. Benoit.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 100 & 101 : See a full-size image.

Yearbook Staff, group photo. See enlarged page. Names: Judy Smith; Susan Oehring; Lana Gilmour; Susan St. Amand; Donna Carisse.

Photographers. Names: Tony Larocque; Peter Massi.

Yearbook Advertising, Marketing Students, group photo. See enlarged page. Names: Barbara Marshall; Claire Quevillon; Andy McKnight; Frank Spinato; Jeannine Gauthier; Annette Lafreniere; Mrs. Bukowski; Janie Kubik; Anna Lalonde; Lorrie Montague; Mary Kelly; Debbie Lingenfelter; Debra Harney; Charles McLaughlin; Sue Czuis; Simone McComb; Gaby Spadetto; Betty Ann Nash; Joan Lafrance; Lynn MacAulay; Trudy Walsh; Gord Cheszczyk; Jackie Larkman; Joanne Corbeil; Philip MacLeod.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 102 & 103 : See a full-size image.

B.A.A., group photo See enlarged page. Names: Stan Skalecki; Ron Breen; John Plouffe; John Czubai; Gerry Robazza; Peter Bordot; Art Campbell; Eric Cousineau; Tim Lamarche; John Armstrong; Brian Madill; Peter Bezknowajnyj; Danny Sorochan; Robert Thomas; John Tait.

Y.A.C.M.R., group photo Names: Josephine Burns; Marlene Gerrior; Lise Lamarche; Sue Bagyan; Sue Byberg.

Assorted photos See enlarged page. No names.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 104 & 105 : See a full-size image.

Photos of winter sports.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 106 & 107 : See a full-size image.

K.L.C.V.I. Winter Carnival '73. Surnames: Harney, Mallette, Watson.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 108 & 109 : See a full-size image.

Assorted photos. Page 109, top right, is Sue Czuis. The large photo in the middle is of Patsy Dauost, Madeline Souriol, and Nora Cecol.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 110 & 111 : See a full-size image.

Assorted photos. Page 110, middle right, is Don Ducharme.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 112 & 113 : See a full-size image.

Christmas Assembly.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 114 & 115 : See a full-size image.

School Board, photo & list. See enlarged page. Names: Mr. J. Wieberdink; Mr. D. Archer; Mrs. W. Angus; Mr. R. Arbuckle; Mr. H. Atkins; Mr. A. Dinnen; Mr. M. Evans; Miss L. Loach; Mr. P. Richter; Mr. D. Wertman; Mr. R. Boissonneault; Mr. G. Brisson; Mr. A. Campbell; Mr. C. Mallette.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 116 & 117 : See a full-size image.

Teacher portraits. See enlarged page. Names: Akulick, Mr. A.; Arney, Mrs. P.; Ball, Mr. W.; Bassarath, Mr. E.; Benoit, Mr. F.; Bigrass, Mr. H.; Blackburn, Mrs. C.; Bouillon, Mrs. C.; Bouillon. Mr. D.; Breault. Miss M.; Breen, Mr. M.; Bronson, Mr. B.; Bukowski, Mrs. B.; Bukowski, Mr. F.; Burnes, Mr. W.; Cameron, Mr. R.; Chaisson, Mr. T.; Contant, Mrs. A.; Conway, Mr. K.; Cooper, Mr. D.; Cox, Miss D.; Croxall, Mr. R.; Davies, Mr. V.; Demers, Mr. C.; Demers, Mrs. P.

Teacher portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Disano, Mr. A.; Disano, Mr. P.; Doner, Mr. R.; Drew-Brook, Mr. T.; Dufresne, Mr. R.; Fournier, Mr. F.; Galley, Mrs. S.; Garvin, Mr. E.; Hallett, Mrs. L.; Hamden, Mr. S.; Hamilton, Mr. B.; Hanlon, Mr. J.; Harkness, Mrs. T.; Haviland, Miss R.; Hill, Mr. R.; Holmes, Mr. E.; Jaworsky, Mr. B.; Kemball, Mr. R.; Kerr, Mrs. M.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 118 & 119 : See a full-size image.

Teacher portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Kerr, Mr. D.; Kirchmayer, Mr. H.; Klaas, Mrs. P.; Klockars, Mr. G.; Lane, Miss C.; Langton, Mr. D.; Ledlow, Miss M.; Lee, Mr. J.; Lenardon, Mr. J.; Madden, Miss P.; Matijek, Mr. P.; Mattson, Mr. B.; McCrimmon, Miss K.; McInall, Mr. J.; Mclean, Mrs. M.

Teacher portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: McLean, Mr. R.; Mervyn, Mr. G.; Monette, Mrs. B.; Monette, Mr. G.; Montgomery, Mr. R.; Morash, Mr. G.; Morris, Mr. B.; Mullins, Mr. A.; Mullins, Mr. D.; Munroe, Mrs. A.; Munroe, Mr. G.; Novak, Mr. R.; Oehring, Mr. D.; Orr, Mr. D.; Parker, Mr. R.; Pegler, Mr. A.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 120 & 121 : See a full-size image.

Teacher portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Prokopich, Mr. W.; Puppa, Mr. L.; Ross, Mrs. M.; Ross, Mr. R.; Sackrider, Mr. H.; Scott, Mrs. S.; Seguin, Mrs. M.; Simpson, Miss M. L.; Sinclair, Mrs. C.; Sinclair, Mr. T.; Smith, Mr. D.; Smith, Mr. J.; Smith, Mr. W.; Spilchen, Miss B.; Stefan, Mr. A.

Teacher portraits continued. See enlarged page. Names: Stratford, Mr. B.; Timmins, Mr. W.; Tindall, Miss B.; Wallsten, Mr. C.; Whitford, Mr. P.; Wilson. Mr. F.; Wright, Mr. D.; Wyatt, Mr. D.; Zidar, Mr. F.; Zidar, Mr. R.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 122 & 123 : See a full-size image.

Cleaning and Custodial. Names listed: Mr. E. W. Bailey; Mr. I. Lekshe; Mr. F. St. Jean; Mrs. A. Burtsehenko; Mrs. M. Byczek; Mrs. J. Chodoriwsky; Mr. J. Hutchinson; Mrs. V. Dukacz; Mrs. A. Gauthier; Mrs. I. Roy; Mrs. A. Luczkiw; Mrs. M. Martschuk; Mrs. R. Julien; Mrs. A. Pavlin; Mr. G. R. Nokes; Mrs. W. Samoylanko; Mr. P. Stack; Mr. K. Donohoe; Mr. G. Rankin; Mr. L. Teeple; Mrs. B. St. Amant; Mrs. F. Gauthier; Mrs. T. Radek; Mrs. Maykowych; Mrs. W. Lilleskag; Mrs. C. Bertin; Mrs. H. Myc; Mrs. J. Bicsis.

Guidance, group photo. See enlarged page. Names: Mrs. Bouillon; Mrs. Arney; Mrs. Monette; Mr. Matijk; Mr. Timmms; Mrs. Piche; Mrs. Bigras; Mr. Lee; Mr. Doner; Mr. Cooper; Mr. Morris; Mr. Bronson; Mr. R. Zidar.

Office Staff, group photo. Names: Mrs. Aube; Mrs. Zentins; Mrs. Armstrong; Mrs. Bigras.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Pages 124 & 125 : See a full-size image.

Audio-Visual. Names: Marlene Watson; John Baird; Don Cocksedge; Peter Matijek.

Duplicating. Name: Ellen Watson.

Shipping Receiving. Name: Mrs. Emms.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Page 131 : See a full-size image.

Student plus advertising. The student has been identified as Shelly Taillon.

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Page 133 : See a full-size image.

Student, plus advertising. The student has been identified as Jacques Normand.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Page 135 : See a full-size image.

Student plus advertising. The student has been identified as Donna Carisse.

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Page 136 : See a full-size image.

Student plus advertising. The student has been identified as Stephen Nixon.

Yearbook thumbnail image

Page 138 : See a full-size image.

Unidentified student plus advertising.

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