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Kerr-Addison Gold Mines, Ontario,
Plaque with signatures, 1955-56

Doug Beggs says: "This photo is of a gag 'Underground Fish' plaque that was given to my father, R.J. Beggs, I believe 1955-56ish, when he transferred from position as Assistant Mine Manager at Kerr to Head Office in Toronto. I can see that more than mine employees signed – for instance Dr. Hagerman is on there. This was supposed to be a fish caught in the depths of the mine by my dad. Many, many clear signatures on there! The dorsal fin is gone from the fish, as well as a small oval sign that hung from the two screw eyes on the bottom, that 'titled' the piece and its occasion."

Kerr-Addison Gold Mines, Ontario : Plaque with signatures, 1955-56

Signatures are in alphabetical order by surname.
A few signatures could not be deciphered. Can you help?

Eva & Arch Armand, Anne & Bill Armstrong, Laura & Red Baker, Rose & Jim Baker, Arnie & Jean Belanger, [..?] Bjarnason, Mable & Otto Bjarnason, EJ Bourke, Marg Bourke, Eleanor & Barry Bourne, Fay & Tom Braithwaite, Bill Braughton, Beverley Brewer, Rose[?] & Pete Brewer, Dave & Helen Budd, Helge Byberg, Rose Byberg, Doug Campbell, Jack & Lottie Caverley, Carol & Rogr Cleland, Rog[er?] S. Cleland, Phylis Clendenning, Vera & Jimmie Darragh, Kathleen & Bruce Drummond, Bea Eagle, Verne Eagle, Ruby Fisk, Polly & Stu Fredeen, P Fulkerson, Jake & Ann Gardiner, J. Gemmell[?], Jack Gray, Ruby Gray, Fred Greer, Betty Hagerman, G.E. Hagerman, Pat Hamilton, Bill Hargrave, Dot & Don Hart, Janet & George Hawkes, Pat and Gib Hele, Ida Hilder, Ted Hilder, Cleo[?] & Bill Hill, Mary & Evan Hill, Ron & Olga Hrushoway, Hilda & Jim Hurst, W G Jacko[?], Ethel & Bruce Jeffery, J. Jewel, D. Johnson, Vick Karlovich L.L.O., [?] & [...el] Keeley, Ted and Bette Kenrick, Gladys & Harry Lamb, Beulah Latimer, A. Levine, Georg Lish, C Locke, Dorothy & Ron MacDonald, Betty MacLeod, Le[?] Macpherson, Cohe Mangotich, Jean & Dave Mann, Dorothy Mateor[?], Flora McLennan, Marchy McLennan, Mac McPherson, Mark[?] Murphy, Donna & Ken Newton, Aynne North, Mr. & Mrs. K. North, Edith and Art Olson, M.S. Potvin, Win & "Rammy" Ramsell, Al Raney, Charlotte Raney, Ellen Rasmussen, Fred Rasmussen, Scott & Jean Robinson, Hazel & Irvin Ross, W.S. Row, Anahal[?] & Verder[?] Sh[anton?], Elsie & Art Simpson, Fran & Bill Smith, Tod[?] & Joe Teal, Carrie & Gregd Thudham[?], Doug Valentine, Sheila Valentine, C.W. Weeler, Mil Weiler, J.A. Wilcox, Cam Yule.


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